To compose, Compose, Composes, Composing, Composed, To write, Write, Writes, Writing, Wrote
寫程式 xieˇ chengˊ shiˋ
(Write, Write a, Writes, Writing, Wrote) Write a (computer) program, Writes a program, Writing a program, Write (programming) code, Writes code, Writing code, Wrote code
寫成 xieˇ chengˊ
(Write, Writes, Written, Written as) Write as, Writes as, Written as, Written
xieˇ yiˋ zhang ˉ xiaoˇ xiaoˇ de˙ aiˋ xin ˉ kaˇ
(Write a) Write a short thank you card
繕寫 shanˋ xieˇ
(Transcribe, Transcribed, Transcribes, Transcribing, Write) Write, Transcribe, Transcribes, Transcribing, Transcribed
xian ˉ qianˊ suoˇ xieˇ
(Previously, That had) Previously written, That had been written before, That had already been written
duˊ xieˇ ji ˉ qiˋ
(Read and) Read and write machinery
fa ˉ xianˋ ta ˉ xieˇ zaiˋ mouˇ ge˙ de˙ fang ˉ
(Find it, Found) Find it written down somewhere, Found it written somewhere
fanˇ yingˋ shiˋ xieˇ weiˋ
(Reaction) The reaction formula is written as
qiˊ huaˋ xueˊ shiˋ xieˇ weiˋ
(Its) Its molecular formulae is written as
畫或寫 huaˋ huoˋ xieˇ
(Paint or, Painted, Painting, Paints) Paint or write, Paints or writes, Painting or writing, Painted or wrote
zaiˋ xieˇ yiˋ benˇ shu ˉ shiˊ
(Am writing, Are writing, Is writing, To be, Was writing, Were writing) To be writing a book, Am writing a book, Are writing a book, Is writing a book, Was writing a book, Were writing a book
shuo ˉ chu ˉ keˋ wenˊ zaiˋ xieˇ xie ˉ shenˊ me˙
(Describe) Describe what the text is about
zuoˋ zheˇ shiˊ jiˋ shangˋ zaiˋ xieˇ shenˊ me˙
(What the, What the author) What the writer is actually writing, What the author is actually writing
撰寫 zhuanˋ xieˇ
(Author, Authored, Authoring, Authors, Compose, Composed, Composes, Composing, Write, Writes, Writing, Wrote) Write, Writes, Writing, Wrote, Compose, Composes, Composing, Composed, Author, Authors, Authoring, Authored
Rhymes: ye e
rh: xieˇ zheˋ 寫這
rh: xieˇ zhe˙ 寫著
rh: yeˇ keˇ 也可
rh: yeˋ seˋ 夜色
rh: bieˊ de˙ 別的
rh: bieˊ keˋ 別客
rh: bieˊ zheˋ 別這
rh: dieˊ heˊ 疊合
rh: jieˋ de˙ 界的
rh: jieˋ de˙ 借得
rh: jieˋ ge˙ 借個
rh: jie ˉ heˊ 接合
rh: jieˊ heˊ 結合
rh: jieˊ keˋ 傑克
rh: jieˊ keˋ 捷克
rh: jie ˉ le˙ 接了
rh: jieˋ le˙ 借了
rh: jie ˉ zhe˙ 接著
rh: jieˋ zheˋ 藉這
rh: jieˋ zhe˙ 藉著
rh: lieˋ che ˉ 列車
rh: lieˋ de˙ 獵的
rh: lieˋ le˙ 裂了
rh: mieˋ le˙ 滅了
rh: nieˋ heˊ 嚙合
rh: nie ˉ le˙ 捏了
rh: qie ˉ deˊ 切得
rh: qie ˉ geˉ 切割
rh: tie ˉ heˊ 貼合
rh: tie ˉ zheˋ 貼這
rh: tie ˉ zhe˙ 貼著
rh: xieˊ eˋ 邪惡
rh: xieˇ de˙ 寫得
rh: xieˇ de˙ 寫的
rh: xieˊ keˋ 諧刻
rh: xieˇ le˙ 寫了
rh: xieˋ le˙ 謝了
rh: xieˋ le˙ 洩了
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