另一 lingˋ yiˉ
(Another, Other) Another, The other
另一方 lingˋ yiˋ fangˉ
(Other party, Other side) The other party, The other side
一方 yiˋ fangˉ
(One party, One side) One party, One side
一方面 yiˋ fangˉ mianˋ
(But on, On the, One side) One side, On the one hand, but on the other hand…
方面 fangˉ mianˋ
(Aspect, Direction, District, Field, In terms of, In that, In this, On one hand, On the other, Quarter, Realm, Sphere, Subject, Topic) Aspect, Sphere, Field, Realm, Direction, Quarter, District, Topic, Subject, In terms of, On one hand, On the other hand, In this respect, In that respect
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