團團轉 tuanˊ tuanˊ zhuanˇ

團團轉 tuanˊ tuanˊ zhuanˇ


Milling around, Milling about

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tuanˊ tuanˊ zhuanˇ de˙ chengˊ qunˊ

(Group of, Milling)

Milling around group, Group of milling around


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shuaˇ de˙ tuanˊ tuanˊ zhuanˋ

(Fool, Make a fool)

Fool, Make a fool of


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Rhymes: wan wan

rh: tuanˊ tuanˊ 團團


rh: zhuanˇ wan ˉ 轉彎


rh: zhuanˇ huanˋ 轉換


rh: wanˊ wanˊ 玩完


rh: wanˋ wanˋ 萬萬


rh: wanˋ guan ˉ 腕關


rh: chuan ˉ duanˇ 穿短


rh: duanˇ duanˇ 短短


rh: duanˋ duanˋ 斷斷


rh: guanˋ chuan ˉ 貫穿


rh: guan ˉ guanˉ 關關


rh: huan ˉ huanˉ 歡歡


rh: huanˇ huanˇ 緩緩


rh: huanˊ kuanˇ 還款


rh: kuan ˉ guanˉ 髖關


rh: kuan ˉ kuanˉ 髖寬


rh: kuan ˉ kuanˉ 寬寬


rh: luanˋ luanˋ 亂亂


rh: nuanˇ nuanˇ 暖暖


rh: ruanˇ guanˇ 軟管


rh: ruanˇ ruanˇ 軟軟



< Unite, Unit, Group, Team, Society, Regiment, Organization, Mass, Lump, Congregate, Dumpling, Coagulate, Ball, Sphere, Round, Circular

Ball, Circular, Coagulate, Congregate, Dumpling, Group, Lump, Mass, Organization, Regiment, Round, Society, Sphere, Team, Unit, Unite

< Turn, Rotate, Revolve, Transport, Transfer, Convey, Move, Migrate, Indirect, Roundabout, (Zhuan4), Continually rotate, Spin

Continually, Convey, Indirect, Migrate, Move, Revolve, Rotate, Roundabout, Spin, Transfer, Transport, Turn






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