suoˇ jie ˉ chuˋ de˙ yiˊ qieˋ dou ˉ buˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ
None of it was real | None of it was definite | None of it was true | None of it was definitely true
Explore, To explore, To touch, Touch, All, Completely, Everything, Surreal, Genuine, Real, True
接觸 jie ˉ chuˋ
To touch | Touch/Touches/Touching/Touched/To contact/Contact/Contacts/Contacting/Contacted | To explore (a new place, New planet) | Explore/Explores/Exploring/Explored
一切 yiˊ qieˋ
All | Completely | Everything
不真實 buˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ
真實 zhen ˉ shiˊ
Genuine | Real | True
suoˇ jie ˉ 所接
suo ˉ xieˇ 縮寫
tuo ˉ yeˋ 拖曳
tuoˋ yeˋ 唾液
tuo ˉ jieˊ 脫節
tuo ˉ xieˊ 脫鞋
tuo ˉ xieˊ 拖鞋
tuoˇ xieˊ 妥協
zhuoˊ bieˊ 卓別
zhuo ˉ lieˋ 拙劣
zuoˋ yeˋ 作業
zuoˋ xie ˉ 做些
woˇ yeˇ 我也
woˇ jie ˉ 我接
woˇ jieˊ 我竭
woˇ xieˇ 我寫
cuoˋ bieˊ 錯別
cuoˋ xieˋ 銼屑
duo ˉ lieˋ 多裂
duoˇ lieˋ 躲烈
duo ˉ xieˋ 多謝
guoˋ yeˋ 過夜
guoˋ jie ˉ 過街
guoˋ jieˊ 過節
guoˋ jieˋ 過界
guo ˉ tieˉ 鍋貼
huoˊ yeˋ 活頁
huoˋ yeˇ 或也
luoˋ yeˋ 落葉
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