pao ˉ qiˋ shiˋ luuˋ wangˇ
(Disposable, Expendable) Disposable filter | Disposable filters | Expendable filter | Expendable filters
拋棄 paoˉ qiˋ
(Abandon, Give up, Throw away, To abandon, To give up, To throw) To give up, Give up, Gives up, Giving up, Gave up, To abandon, Abandon , Abandons , Abandoning , Abandoned , To throw away, Throw away, Throws away, Throwing away, Threw away
拋棄式 paoˉ qiˋ shiˋ
(Disposable, Expendable) Expendable, Disposable
濾網 luuˋ wangˇ
(Filter) Filter
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