

tiˊ kouˇ jiaoˇ ji ˉ


Levator anguli oris

Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Levator anguli oris) Next

Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Levator anguli oris) Next

tiˊ di ˉ

(Carry, Cause, Control, Hold, Lift, Manage, Mention, Obtain, Pull Up, Raise)

Mention, Raise, Lift, Pull up, Carry, Manage, Cause, Control, Obtain, (Di1), Hold

口角 kouˇ jiaoˇ

(Oral, corners)

Oral commissure, Corners of the lips

ji ˉ

(Flesh, Muscle)

Muscle, Flesh


Carry, Cause, Control, Hold, Lift, Manage, Mention, Obtain, Pull Up, Raise

Mention, Raise, Lift, Pull up, Carry, Manage, Cause, Control, Obtain, (Di1), Hold

Entrance, Gate, Mouth, Opening

Mouth, Opening, Entrance, Gate

Actor, Angle, Character, Compete, Corner, Horn, Note, Player, Point, Retired, Role, Wrestle

Corner, Point, Angle, Character, Compete, Wrestle, Horn Shaped Instrument, Note, (Jue2), Actor, Role, Player, Retired

Flesh, Muscle

Muscle, Flesh

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