youˇ renˊ kanˋ daoˋ tian ˉ caiˊ yeˇ buˊ renˋ de˙
(Some people) Some people don't recognize talent when they see it
有人 youˇ renˊ
(Anybody, Anyone, Have somebody, Have someone, Some people, Someone) Have someone, Have somebody, Someone, Anyone, Anybody, Some people
看到 kanˋ daoˋ
(Look at, See, To look) To look at, To look see, See , Sees , Seeing , Seen , Saw , Look at, Looks at, Looking at, Looked at
天才 tianˉ caiˊ
(Genius, Gifted, Talented) Talented, Genius, Gifted
也 yeˇ
Also, Beside, Still, Too, And, Either
不 buˋ buˊ fouˇ fou ˉ
No, Not, Non, None, Not able to, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability
認得 renˋ de˙
(Knew, Know, Recognize, Recognized) Know, Knew, Recognize, Recognized
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