chaoˊ dongˋ zuoˋ la ˉ jinˋ
(Move closer, Moved, Moves, Moving) Move closer to the action | Moves closer to the action | Moving closer to the action | Moved closer to the action
朝 chaoˊ zhao ˉ
Towards, Face, Pilgrimage, Dynasty, Imperial court, Emperor, Monarch, Korea, (Zhao1), Morning, Dawn, Single Day
動作 dongˋ zuoˋ
(Action, Gesture, Labor, Motion, Move, Movement, To act, To move, Work) Movement , Action , Work , Labor , Motion , Gesture , To move, To act, Move , Moves , Moving , Moved
拉近 laˉ jinˋ
(Draw close, Draw near, Drawing, Draws, Drew) Draw near, Draw close, Draws close, Drawing close, Drew close
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