流動 liuˊ dongˋ
(Flow, To flow) To flow, Flow , Flows , Flowing , Flowed
流動的 liuˊ dongˋ de˙
(Flow, To flow) To flow, Flow , Flows , Flowing , Flowed
思維 siˉ weiˊ
(Cogitate, Cogitated, Cogitates, Cogitating, Cogitation, Think, Thought, Thoughts, To cogitate, To think) Thought, Thoughts, Cogitation, To think, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To cogitate, Cogitate, Cogitates, Cogitating, Cogitated
思維狀態 siˉ weiˊ zhuangˋ taiˋ
(Mind-state, Mind-states, State of mind) State of mind, Mind-state, Mind-states
狀態 zhuangˋ taiˋ
(Condition, Mode, Situation, State, Status) Condition, Situation, Mode, State, Status, Status report
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