Deep, Profound, Meaningful, Dark In Color
shen ˉ juˋ wei ˉ xianˇ
(Deeply, Extremely dangerous) Deeply dangerous, Extremely dangerous
深厚 shen ˉ houˋ
(Deep-seated, Long-lasting, Profound, Solid) Profound, Deep-seated, Solid, Long-lasting
深奧 shen ˉ aoˋ
(Abstruse, Deep, Difficult to understand, Little known, Profound, Recondite) Deep, Profound, Little known, Difficult to understand, Recondite, Abstruse
深沈 shen ˉ chenˊ
(Calm, Composed, Dark, Impenetrable, Reserved, Serious, Unfathomable) Dark, Composed, Calm, Serious, Reserved, Impenetrable, Unfathomable
深切 shen ˉ qieˋ
(Deep, Deeply, Penetrating, Sincerely) Deeply, Sincerely, Deep, Penetrating
buˋ guanˇ niˇ de˙ kunˋ jingˋ youˇ duo ˉ shen ˉ
(No matter, No matter how) No matter the extent of your difficulties, No matter how deep your troubles
duanˇ gengˇ jiˊ shen ˉ
(Attempt, Draw water, Overextend, Overreach) Draw water with a short rope from a deep well, Attempt a task beyond one's capabilities, Overextend, Overreach
shuˋ daˋ gen ˉ shen ˉ
(With fame, big tree) A big tree has deep roots, With fame comes influence
Rhymes: en wu
rh: shen ˉ huˉ 深呼
rh: shen ˉ ruˋ 伸入
rh: shen ˉ ruˋ 深入
rh: shenˋ ruˋ 滲入
rh: shenˊ zhuˋ 神助
rh: zhenˋ wuˋ 鎮務
rh: zhen ˉ buˊ 真不
rh: zhenˇ guˇ 枕骨
rh: zhen ˉ zhuˉ 珍珠
rh: benˇ buˋ 本部
rh: ben ˉ fuˋ 奔赴
rh: benˇ shu ˉ 本書
rh: benˇ tuˇ 本土
rh: chenˋ chu ˉ 襯出
rh: chenˊ ruˋ 沈入
rh: chenˊ shuˋ 陳述
rh: chenˊ tuˇ 塵土
rh: fen ˉ buˋ 分佈
rh: fen ˉ buˋ 分部
rh: fen ˉ buˋ 分不
rh: fen ˉ buˋ 分布
rh: fen ˉ chuˉ 分出
rh: fen ˉ fuˋ 吩咐
rh: fen ˉ muˇ 分母
rh: fenˊ muˋ 墳墓
rh: fenˋ nuˋ 憤怒
rh: fenˇ pu ˉ 粉撲
rh: fen ˉ ruˋ 分入
rh: fen ˉ shuˋ 分數
rh: fenˋ shuˋ 份數
rh: fen ˉ zuˉ 分租
rh: fen ˉ zuˇ 分組
rh: gen ˉ bu˙ 跟不
rh: gen ˉ guˇ 跟骨
rh: henˇ buˋ 很不
rh: henˋ bu˙ 恨不
rh: henˇ kuˋ 很酷
rh: henˋ ruˋ 恨入
rh: men ˉ buˋ 悶不
rh: menˊ luˋ 門路
rh: men ˉ zhuˋ 悶住
rh: pen ˉ chuˉ 噴出
rh: penˊ guˇ 盆骨
rh: pen ˉ tuˇ 噴吐
rh: renˊ wuˋ 人物
rh: renˋ wuˋ 任務
rh: renˊ buˋ 人部
rh: renˊ buˋ 人不
rh: renˇ buˊ 忍不
rh: renˋ buˋ 認不
rh: renˋ chu ˉ 認出
rh: renˋ duˊ 認讀
rh: renˋ duˋ 韌度
rh: renˊ shuˋ 人數
rh: renˇ zhuˋ 忍住
rh: shenˋ wuˋ 慎勿
rh: shen ˉ buˋ 身不
rh: shen ˉ chuˉ 伸出
rh: shen ˉ chuˋ 身處
rh: shen ˉ chuˋ 深處
rh: shen ˉ duˋ 深度
rh: shenˊ fuˋ 神父
深< Deep, Profound, Meaningful, Dark In Color
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