rangˋ diˋ yiˊ ciˋ jianˋ daoˋ ta ˉ de˙ renˊ aiˋ shangˋ ta ˉ
(Make people, Making) Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her | Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her
讓 rangˋ
Allow, Let, Permit, Yield, Give, Permission
第一 diˋ yiˉ
(First, Number one) Number one, First, The first
第一次 diˋ yiˊ ciˋ
(First time, For The First, Initial) First time, Initial, The first time, For the first time
第一次見到 diˋ yiˊ ciˋ jianˋ daoˋ
(At first glance, First time) First time seeing, At first glance
第一次見到她的人 diˋ yiˊ ciˋ jianˋ daoˋ taˉ de˙ renˊ
(Anyone, Someone) Someone seeing her for the first time, Anyone seeing her for the first time
一次 yiˊ ciˋ
(A, At a, First, Once, One, One at, Single) A, One, Once, First, Single, One at a time, At a time
見到 jianˋ daoˋ
(Meet, Saw, See, Seeing, Sees) See, Sees, Seeing, Saw, Meet
她的 taˉ de˙
(Her) Her
愛上她 aiˋ shangˋ taˉ
(Fall in) Fall in love with her
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