Ask, Detect, Hear, Learn, Make known, News, Sense, Smell, Understand
Appear, Become apparent, Connect, Hear, Interview, Meet, See, Sense
Affect, Become Sick, Feel, Feeling, Grateful, Gratitude, Infect, Perceive, Sense, Touch
Aware, Detect, Discover, Realize, Sense, Sensed
Surveillance, Hear, Heard, Listened
Aware, Became, Become aware, Becomes, Becoming, Detect, Detected, Detecting, Detects, Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To become, To detect, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To realize, To sense
Detect, Feel, Notice, Perceive, Sense
Aware, Became, Become aware, Becomes, Becoming, Detected, Detecting, Detects, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To become, To detect, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To realize, To sense
Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Sensation, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, Take In, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To sense, To take
Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing
Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Sensation, Take In, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To sense, To take
Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Perception, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To perceive, To sense
Perceive, Sense, To perceive, To sense
Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Perception, Sensed, Senses, Sensing
Feel, Feeling, Feelings, Feels, Felt, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To feel, To sense
Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To feel, To sense
Feelings, Endure, Subject to, Suffer
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