Eng: Realized

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Realize, Realized, Understand, Understood

(Clear, Easy to understand, Realize(s), Understandable, Understanding, Understands)


Realized, Understood

(Got it, Ok, Understand)


Discover, Discovered, Discovering, Discovers, Find, Find out, Finding, Found, Realize, Realized, Realizing, To discover, To find, To realize


Noticed, Picked up, Realized, Recognized

(Attention, Keep an, Pay Attention, Stay)


Realized, Suddenly

(Clear, Easy to understand, Realize(s), Understand, Understandable, Understanding, Understands, Understood)


Am aware, Are aware, Awareness, Being, Consciousness, Is aware, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, To be aware, To realize, To recognize, Was aware, Were aware


Am aware, Are aware, Being, Is aware, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, To be aware, To realize, To recognize, Was aware, Were aware

(Awareness, Consciousness)



(Am aware, Are aware, Awareness, Being, Consciousness, Is aware, Realize, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, To be aware, To realize, To recognize, Was aware, Were aware, Am aware, Are aware, Being, Is aware, Realize, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, To be aware, To realize, To recognize, Was aware, Were aware, Arrive at, Get to, Got to, Had arrived, Reach, Reached)


Became acquainted, Become acquainted, Becomes, Becoming, Cognition, Comprehend, Comprehended, Comprehending, Comprehends, Knew, Know, Knowing, Knowledge, Knows, Learn, Learned, Learning, Learns, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, Remember, Remembered, Remembering, Remembers, To become, To comprehend, To know, To learn, To realize, To recognize, To remember, To understand, Understand, Understanding, Understands, Understood


Complete, Completed, Completes, Finish, Finished, Finishes, Realize, Realized, Realizes


Accomplish, Accomplished, Accomplishes, Accomplishing, Achieve, Achieved, Achieves, Achieving, Actualize, Actualized, Actualizes, Actualizing, Become actual, Come about, Come true, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, To accomplish, To achieve, To actualize, To realize


Aware, Became aware, Become aware, Becomes, Becoming, Detect, Detected, Detecting, Detects, Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To become, To detect, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To realize, To sense


Insights, Realization, Realized

(Clear understanding, Insight)


Realized, Understood


Realized, Understood

(Clear, Easy to understand, Realize(s), Understand, Understandable, Understanding, Understands, Realize, Understand)


Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Think, Think of, Thinking, Thinking of, Thinks, Thinks of, Thought, Thought of, To realize, To think, To think of


Realized what they were doing

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