Discover, Discovered, Discovering, Discovers, Find, Find out, Finding, Found, Realize, Realized, Realizing, To discover, To find, To realize
Am aware, Are aware, Awareness, Being, Consciousness, Is aware, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, To be aware, To realize, To recognize, Was aware, Were aware
Am aware, Are aware, Being, Is aware, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Recognize, Recognized, Recognizes, Recognizing, To be aware, To realize, To recognize, Was aware, Were aware
Accomplish, Accomplished, Accomplishes, Accomplishing, Achieve, Achieved, Achieves, Achieving, Actualize, Actualized, Actualizes, Actualizing, Become actual, Come about, Come true, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, To accomplish, To achieve, To actualize, To realize
Aware, Became, Become aware, Becomes, Becoming, Detect, Detected, Detecting, Detects, Feel, Feeling, Feels, Felt, Notice, Noticed, Notices, Noticing, Perceive, Perceived, Perceives, Perceiving, Realize, Realized, Realizes, Realizing, Sense, Sensed, Senses, Sensing, To become, To detect, To feel, To notice, To perceive, To realize, To sense
Realizing oneself had stepped out of bounds
Realizing they themselves had stepped over the line
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