首要 shouˇ yaoˋ

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Rhymes: ou yao

rh: shouˇ yaoˋ 首要

rh: shouˇ biaoˇ 手錶


rh: shouˇ biaoˇ 手表


rh: shouˇ jiaoˇ 手腳


rh: shouˋ jiaoˋ 受教


rh: shouˋ piaoˋ 售票


rh: shouˋ xiao ˉ 瘦削


rh: shouˋ xiaoˇ 瘦小


rh: touˊ piaoˋ 投票


rh: touˊ tiaoˊ 頭條


rh: tou ˉ xiaoˋ 偷笑


rh: zouˇ diaoˋ 走掉


rh: zouˋ xiaoˋ 奏效


rh: chouˋ xiaoˇ 臭小


rh: couˋ qiaoˇ 湊巧


rh: douˇ diaoˋ 抖掉


rh: douˋ miaoˊ 豆苗


rh: douˇ qiaoˋ 陡峭


rh: douˋ xiaoˋ 逗笑


rh: gou ˉ diaoˋ 勾掉


rh: gouˋ piaoˋ 購票


rh: gou ˉ xiaoˉ 勾消


rh: houˋ jiaoˇ 後腳


rh: kouˋ diaoˋ 扣掉


rh: louˋ diaoˋ 漏掉


First of

< First, Chief, Head, Initial, Starting point, Adorn, Adornment

Adorn, Adornment, Chief, First, Head, Initial, Starting point

< Want, Need, Require, Important, Essential, Necessary, Necessity, Should, Will, Shall, Ought to, Demand, Summarize, Summary, Brief, If, In case, (Yao1), Invite, Threaten, Coerce, Blackmail, Stop, Investigate, Examine, Ask for, Engage, Make an agreeement, Waist, Midriff

Ask for, Blackmail, Brief, Coerce, Demand, Engage, Essential, Examine, If, Important, In case, Investigate, Invite, Make an, Midriff, Necessary, Necessity, Need, Ought to, Require, Shall, Should, Stop, Summarize, Summary, Threaten, Waist, Want, Will


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