足夠 zuˊ gouˋ
Enough, Sufficient
Words with shared element: 足夠
zuˊ gouˋ yingˋ fuˋ tu ˉ fa ˉ zhuangˋ kuangˋ de˙ liangˋ
Send an amount sufficient to deal with any emergencies | Send just enough to deal with any emergencies
zhongˋ fuˋ le˙ zuˊ gouˋ duo ˉ ciˋ de˙ biˋ yaoˋ buˋ zouˋ
To repeat the necessary steps enough times | Repeat/Repeats/Repeating/Repeated the necessary steps enough times
yin ˉ weiˋ woˇ men˙ yiˇ jing ˉ xueˊ xiˊ bingˋ chongˊ fuˋ le˙ zuˊ gouˋ duo ˉ ciˋ de˙ biˋ yaoˋ buˋ zouˋ
Because we've learned and repeated the necessary steps enough times
因為 | 我們 | 已經 | 經學 | 學習 | 並重 | 重複 | 足夠 | 夠多 | 多次 | 必要 | 步驟 | 了 | 的
ruˊ guoˇ xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ zuˊ gouˋ fa ˉ zhanˇ
If mental models are sufficiently developed
dou ˉ nengˊ youˇ zuˊ gouˋ de˙ dianˋ liˋ le˙
There will be enough power
diˋ banˇ shangˋ youˇ zuˊ gouˋ kong ˉ jian ˉ
There was enough room on the floor | There was plenty of room on the floor
足足, 足跡, 足以, 足弓, 足印, 足夠, 足智多謀, 足音跫然, 足球, 足聲, 踏足, 四足動物, 舉足輕重, 長足, 失足, 知足, 無足輕重, 手舞足蹈, 手足, 皇家之足, 充足, 立足, 富足, 滿足, 畫蛇添足, 遠足, 補足, 不足, 微不足道, 平足, 十足, 頓足夠:
夠嗆, 夠用, 夠了, 夠長, 夠多, 夠久, 夠我吃上, 夠我過上三百天, 夠辛苦, 夠窄, 夠遠, 夠怪了, 夠不著, 夠靈活能, 夠聰明, 夠老, 夠有風度, 夠大, 只夠, 足夠, 是夠, 能夠, 使我們能夠, 它也使我們能夠選擇分解的規模, 已經夠難受了, 只要你覺得自己夠厲害, 受夠, 射得夠準了, 就夠, 不夠, 還不夠, 才夠, 我實在有夠重, 證據夠強Frag (shared element) page
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