消耗率 xiao ˉ haoˋ luuˋ
Rate of consumption, Consumption rate
消耗 Consume, Consumed, Consumes, Consuming, To consume, To use, Use, Used, Uses, Using
消 Allay, Alleviate, Consume, Die out, Digest, Disappear, Dispel, Disperse, Eliminate, Extinguish, Get rid of, Muffle, Put out, Reduce, Silence, Take In, Vanish
耗 Consume, Expend, Spend, Squander, Use up
率 Calculate, Candid, Command, Follow, Frequency, In general, Lead, Limit, Measure, Random, Rash, Rate, Ratio, Simple
Words with shared element: 消耗率
消防, 消除, 消費, 消失, 消化, 消音, 消磨, 消息, 消沉, 消滅, 消遣, 消退, 消逝, 消炎, 消散, 消極, 消聲匿跡, 消去, 消耗, 消毒, 勾消, 將任何變化消散, 被消散, 這並不意味著模型完全消除了思考的需要, 不消一日, 取消, 壞消息, 抵消, 打消耗:
耗時, 耗體力, 耗費, 耗了, 耗散, 耗材, 耗掉, 耗盡, 能耗, 消耗率:
率然, 率先, 率意, 率性, 率領, 率由舊章, 率直, 率真, 圓周率, 其中圓周率約為, 比率, 幾率, 匯率, 倍率, 電價率, 利率, 效率, 速率, 收視率, 失業率, 曲率, 功率, 頻率, 直率, 概率, 機率, 通報率, 坦率, 消耗率, 表率, 點擊率, 輕率Frag (shared element) page
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