Index for words including 不

buˋ, buˊ, fouˇ, fou¯

No, Not, Non, None, Not Able To, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability

Word Links for words containing 不 (sorted via character pairs)

不 buˋ, buˊ, fouˇ, fou¯
No, Not, Non, None, Not Able To, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


不只 Not only, Not merely, Instead of

不只一次 More than once

不只一種 More than one, Not just one

不只是員工 Not just an employee

不只是哭泣 Not just crying

不只是這樣 There's more to it, There's more to it than that

不只是如此 Not only that, More than that

不只是一座小鎮 Not just a town

很有趣而不只是怪異 Was interesting instead of just being weird

不只是一座小鎮而是一條街 Not just a town but a street


不叫 Isn't called


不吃 Don't eat

不吃 Not full

吃得精緻而不吃 Eat well and not become full


一聲不吭 Keep silent

不吭一聲 Quietly, Without a sound

不吭 Snorted


不喝 Don't (want to) drink

不喝比無糖汽水還要烈的飲料 Drink nothing stronger than a diet or sugar free soda


不屈 Unbendable, Tough, Stubborn

不屈不撓 Unyielding, Relentless, Indomitable

堅持不屈 Persevere, Hold out and play tough, Hold out and not give in


不屑 Not condescend, Not stand to do something, Not put up with

再也不屑 Could not stand, Could no longer put up with, Could no longer endure


愁眉不展 Was frowning, Looked depressed


不足 Insufficient, Not enough

美中不足 A flaw in something that is otherwise perfect, A single drawback, A fly in the ointment

不足 Insufficient, Not enough

不足 If not enough, When there is not enough

不足 Trivial


不跟 Not with

至少不跟 At least not with, Certainly not with


不回 Not make it back, Not able to make it back

不回 Can't go, Can't get back

一去不回 Gone for good, Won't ever return

頭也不回 Without looking back, Without a second thought

可能走不回 Might not make it back, Might not be able to make it back


不易 Not easy

不易出海捕魚 Not easy to go out to sea to fish

風雨交加導致不易出海捕魚 Wind and rain make it difficult to go out to sea to fish


不景 Not prosperous, Unprosperous, Not good (for making money)


不是 Not, Isn't, Wasn't, Aren't, No

不是 Is not, Then is not

不是 He isn't, He is not

不是 But not

不是 You aren't, You're not

不是 Not, Is not, am not, Are not, Was not

不是 Is it or isn't it, Was it or wasn't it, Whether or not, Whether

不是 Truly isn't, Really isn't

不是 This isn't, This wasn't

不是 Neither are, None are

不過不是 But it isn't

可能不是 Maybe not

如果不是 If it isn't, If it wasn't

根本不是 Not at all, No

顯然不是 Evidently wasn't, Obviously wasn't

不過並不是 But not, But isn't, But it isn't

也可能不是 Maybe not

兩個都不是 Been neither of them

兩者都不是 Neither are, Neither

只不過不是 Just not, Only not

所以你不是 So you are not

我想應該不是 I suppose not

不是 Not him, It isn't him

不是 Didn't come

不是 Isn't a

不是 Does it not?, Is that not so?

不是 Not that, Not to say

不是 That wasn't a guess

這並不是 This is not to say that, This was not to say that

不是什麼 Not what, Not anything

不是今天 Not today

不是傻子 Not a fool

不是別人 Not someone else, Not any other man

不是實話 Not true, A lie

不是掩上 Not just shut

不是誰都 Nobody else

不是那樣 Wasn't like that

不是很美好 Not perfect, Less than idyllic

不是很難做 Not very demanding, Not very difficult to do

不是每個人 Not everyone

不是那件事 That's not it, It's not about that

不是全部 Not completely

不是蛋嗎 Isn't that an egg?

不是世界末日 It isn't the end of the world

不是來開會的 Didn't come for a meeting, Aren't having a convention

不是百分之百 Not a hundred percent

不是真的聽懂 Didn't really understand

也許不是搞錯 Maybe it's not an error

不是故意的 I didn't mean it, I didn't do it on purpose

不是人人幹得來 Isn't for everybody, Not everyone is suited to

不是小孩子了 I am not a child

我們不是野蠻人 We're not savages

不是因為成績太差 Not because of poor grades

不是很大牌的作家 Not a big-time author

不是真正聰明絕頂 Not really brilliant

他們不是我的主人 They are not my masters

不是這麼回事了 This is not the case

問他是不是想嘔吐 Ask him if he needs to vomit

從來不是一蹴而就 Nothing great is created suddenly, Great results take time, Success never occurs after a single attempt

不是百分之百的確定 Not a hundred percent certain

他是不是起來活動了 Is he up and about

反正也不是第一次了 Not for the first time

不是兒童心理學家 I am not a child psychologist

不是什麼有意義的字句 Not anything that makes sense

不是真的聽懂所有的字 Didn't really understand all the words

不是先後繼起的國家 Were not successive states

妳以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?

可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all

不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book

你想知道我是不是聽說了什麼特別有料的謠言 You want to know if I've heard any especially juicy rumors, You want to know if I've heard any particularly helpful rumors

不是問題 Isn't the problem, Aren't the problem, Wasn't question, Is not a question

這其實不是問題 This really wasn't a question

錢完全不是問題 Price was no object, Price was not a problem, Money was no object

不是真正 Not really

不是我真名 Not my real name

不是以這些 Not with these

不是因為這樣 Is it because of this?, Is it because of that?, Is that why?

不是很了解 Don't really understand, Doesn't really understand

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

那他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

那妳不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?

不是什麼好事 Not a good thing

這可不是什麼好事 This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good

不是唯一一個 Not the only one

不是單獨一人 Isn't alone, Wasn't alone

不是很有品味的 Not very tasteful

這難道不是意味著 Doesn't this imply

不是用這種方式 Not like this, Not this way

不是用這種方式 But not like this, But not this way

不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean

不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean

不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?

你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher

妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher


不明 Unexpected, Unknown

不明 Missing, Unaccounted for

數目不明 Unknown number

不明 Didn't know, Didn't understand

不明 Not understand what someone is saying, Not comprehend what is being said, Not hear what is being said

甚至不明白為什麼 Didn't even know why

這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her


不時 Frequently, Often, Now and then

不時 From time to time

不時點點頭 Nodding from time to time

不時我會覺得 Now and then it seems that


不暇 Too busy to sit for long, So busy can't sit long enough to warm a seat


不曉 Didn't know, Wasn't aware

不曉得這樣行不行 Don't know if this will work, Doesn't know if this will work, Will this work?, Will this do?, Will that do?


不顯得內容是什麼 Unaware of what it was about, Not knowing what it was about


充耳不聞 Ignore, Turn a deaf ear, Pay no attention

掩耳不聞 Turn a deaf ear

聽而不聞 Turn a deaf ear to, Hear without understanding


不開 Unhappy, Sad

不開 Can't open, Not able to open

不開 Can't open, Won't open

不開 Can't do without


不間 Unbroken, Continuous


不關 Just don't care, Just didn't care, Not concerned (with)


努力忍住不眨 Tried not to blink, Made an effort to not blink


不見 Didn't see

不見 Don't see, Can't see, Invisible

不見 Can't hear, Couldn't hear

好久不見 Long time no see

快看不見 Soon won't be able to see, Soon unable to see

裝聽不見 Pretend not to hear

視而不見 Absent minded, Look but see nothing, Ignore

陸土不見 No land in sight, No land visible

小到看不見 Too small to see

幾乎看不見 Barely visible, Nearly invisible

什為都看不見 Invisible

什麼也聽不見 Can't hear a thing, Can't hear anything

他們就裝聽不見 They then pretend not to hear

小到看不見也感覺不到 Small enough to not be seen or felt

不見 Disappeared, Can't see it, Couldn't be seen, Was lost

不見 Not necessarily

不見 Not necessarily

不見 Don't see, Can't see, Invisible, Unseen

就會不見 Will have disappeared, Will be gone

好好久不見 Very long time no see

成年女子怎麼不見 Why is the woman not here?

不見蹤影 Disappeared, Disappeared without a trace

不見的線 Invisible wire, Invisible wires

不見的力量 Unseen powers

不見得是件好事 Was not necessarily a good thing

不見得比他聰明 Not necessarily smarter than him

不見他們說什麼 Couldn't hear what they said

儘管看不見卻真實存在 Despite not being visible was still real, Invisible but real

不見經傳 Unknown, Anonymous

那種名不見經傳 That kind of little known, Those kinds of little known, The kind of little known, The kind of anonymous


不賭 Don't gamble


不同 Different, Distinctive, Varying, Various, Diverse

不同 Different, Different kind, Different kinds

五種不同 Five different varieties, Five types

兩種不同 Two different, Two different kinds

截然不同 Distinctly different, Completely different

有所不同 Different

與眾不同 Different from the others

造成不同 Made a difference, Made it different

微妙的不同 Subtle difference, Subtle differences

最大的不同 The biggest difference

有什麼不同 What differences, The difference

重量的不同 Weight differences

可是今天不同 But not today

規則完全不同 Rules are completely different, The rules have changed

或許這會造成不同 And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference

在定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences

不同 Various people, Different people

不同 Not agree

不同 Wasn't the same as

不同 Different, Varying, Various, Diverse

不同 Used different, Utilized various

來自不同 From various people

最大的不同 The biggest difference is, The biggest difference was

不同口味 Different tastes, Different tasting, Taste different

五種不同口味 Five different tasting varieties

不同尋常 Unusual

不同時期 Different periods of time, Different periods

不同深淺 Different shades, Different depths

不同玩意 Different toys, Different things, Different gadgets, Different stuff

不同的是 The difference is

不同種族 Different races, Multicultural

不同於一般 Differently than usual, Different than usual

不同的情緒 Different moods, Different feelings, Different emotions

不同的氣體 Different gasses

各有不同哲學 Each had a different philosophy, Varied in their philosophy

不同比例的 Using different proportions, With different proportions

不同飛航之間 Between flights, Between trips, Between voyages

不同的形式書寫 Written in a different way

不同方向 Different directions

不同方向 In different directions

不同的方式 Differently, Using different methods

他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life

她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life


不用 Doesn't need to, Not necessary (to)

省略不用 Omitted

不用 Without moving

不用 Don't be afraid, Don't worry, Have no fear

不用 Needless to say

不用 Not to mention, Needless to say, Isn't worth mentioning, Doesn't require mentioning, Isn't worth bringing up

如果這樣都還不用 If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

不用查看 Without bother to check, Without needing to check

不用擔心 Don't have to worry

不用你幫忙了 Doesn't need your help, Don't need your help

無所不用其極 Go to extremes in every matter, Stop at nothing when doing anything

不用動一根汗毛 Without moving a single hair, Without doing anything, Without having to actually do anything, Not having to do anything, No need to do anything

不用寬我的心 Don't try to console me


不丹 Bhutan


不服 Disobey, Rebel, Refuse, Resist

不服從權威 Maverick, Independent, Disobedient, Rebellious

不服 Disobedience, Insubordination

不服 Unconvinced

我不能容忍不服 I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination


不凡 Extraordinary


不降 Not settling, Not sinking down, Not falling


不限 Not limited to


不出 Couldn't think of, Didn't think of, Can't imagine

不出 Could not see

不出 Don't recognize

不出 Can't escape

分辨不出 Cannot distinguish, Cannot tell apart

我想不出 I can't imagine, I didn't think

不出 Could not distinguish between, Could not tell them appart

不出 Couldn't scream, Scream wouldn't come out

不出 Cannot produce, Could not produce

不出 Could not answer

不出 Can't hear, Can't figure out, Can't make out, Can't understand

不出 Wanted to speak but couldn't

不出 Speechless, Could not speak, Unable to speak

表達不出 Could not express

永遠分不出 Could never tell the difference, Could never tell them apart

什麼都長不出 Nothing can grow

這裡什麼都長不出 Nothing can grow here

不出真偽 Can't tell which is real and which is fake

不出來了 Wanted to speak but couldn't

不出什麼結果 Have little to show for, Produce few or no results

不出任何方法搞出 Can't figure out a way, Can't come up with a plan for

語氣完全聽不出起伏 Totally expressionless voice

不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy

不出什麼 Completely unnoticeable, Can't see anything

癒合後完全看不出什麼 Heal without a trace

你就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp

妳就逃不出我的手掌心了 You can't escape my grasp


不比墳墓大 Not much bigger than a grave

不比海平面高多少 Not much higher than sea level


不以為意 Unmindful, Indifferent, Uncaring, Paid no heed to, Ignored, Disregarded, Uncaringly, Disapprovingly

不以為然 Disagree

不以為意的說 I indifferently said, I uncaringly said


不斷 Continuing, Continually, Continued, Without cease, Won't stop, Kept

全年不斷 All year without cease, Year in and year out

持續不斷 Steady, Continuous, Non-stop

源源不斷 Continuously

不斷 Keep changing, Keep on changing, Kept changing, Kept on changing

不斷出現 Kept appearing, Kept showing up

不斷回到 Kept coming back

不斷地說 Kept saying, Kept repeating

不斷彎曲 Always bending, Always turning, Ever turning

不斷翻滾 Tumbling

不斷地前進 Keep going on

不斷地祝福 Forever thankful

不斷增大的 Ever increasing

不斷折磨我 Torment me, Tormenting me, Torture me, Torturing me

不斷掙扎著 Continued struggling

不斷來臺 Won't stop coming to Taiwan, Wouldn't stop coming to Taiwan

不斷被人掛在嘴邊 Always hanging on peoples lips, Constantly repeated, Said constantly

不斷向東建立新封國 Continuing to the east, they established new Fiefdoms

持續不斷給予的禮物 Gift that keeps on giving

不斷在動 Keep moving

要讓下標的不斷在動 Keep those bids moving, Moving those bids


不如 Better to, Why not

不如 Rather say

聞名不如見面 To hear of someone's reputation is not the same as knowing them

盡信書則不如無書 To believe all that is written is worse than not reading


不好 Not good, Bad

不好 Not good

不好 Very bad

不好 Probably, Well (they could have)

不好 Truly bad, Not good

不好 Not very good

天氣不好 The weather is bad, The weather was bad

說得不好 Don't speak very well, Can't speak (it) very well

運氣不好 Not very lucky

這點很不好 This was not so good, Which was not so good

這樣講好不好 How 'bout it?

小時候的國語說得不好 When I was a child my Mandarin was not very good!

不好 Not good, Bad news

不好的東西 Something bad

名聲不好勾當 Disreputable, Bad reputation

不好意思 Apologetic, Apologetically, Feel shame, Felt shame, Felt embarrassed, Embarrassed

不好意思 Very sorry, Ashamed, Embarrassed

我很不好意思 I am sorry, I am ashamed


不妙 Bad, Not good, Not excellent

情況聽起來很不妙 The situation sounded bad

不妙 Bad, Not good

那可就不妙 That's not good, That would be bad, That's bad, That's just dandy


不妨 Might as well, No harm in trying


不允 Does not allow


不能 Can't, Not able (to)

不能 Are not allowed

不能 Just cannot

不能 Can or can't, Can or cannot

無一不能 There is nothing one can't do, Extremely versatile

無所不能 Can do anything, Omnipotent

萬萬不能 Completely not acceptable

難道不能 Could not, Why shouldn't…

我們不能坐視不管 We can't just sit and do nothing

不能 Have to, Cannot but

不能 Immobile, Can't move, Couldn't move

不能 Can't drink

不能 Can't use, Not allowed to use

不能 Can't allow

不能 I can't go, I can't go to

不能例外 No exceptions

你也不能例外 This includes you, You are no exception

不能再騎 Could no longer ride, Could no longer be ridden

不能出門 Can't go out

不能容忍 Intolerable, Do not tolerate, Does not tolerate

不能成功 Won't work

不能移動 Cannot move, Should not move

不能老待 Cannot wait for ever

不能回頭了 Can't return, Can't turn back, No turning back

不能怪人性 Can't blame human nature

不能再前進了 Can't go any further, Can't go further

不能憑空杜撰 It can't just be made up, It can't just be fabricated out of thin air

不能揭露真相 Could not show the truth

不能打腰帶以下 Not allowed to hit below the belt, Not hitting below the belt, No hitting below the belt

完全不能被分心 Could not be distracted

不能容忍不服從 I don't tolerate disobedience, I cannot stand insubordination

不能直接告訴你 I can't just tell you

不能開個窗戶來通風 Can't open a window for ventilation

這工作不能做一輩子 This job isn't forever

不能因為遇到困難就放棄 When encountering difficulty, don't give up, Don't give up just because you experience some difficulty

不能直接 Can't just

難道不能直接 Couldn't just

但這個人難道不能直接 But couldn't this person just

不能和你一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

不能和你們一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

難道他不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't he play dumb, Wouldn't he have played dumb

難道她不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't she play dumb, Wouldn't she have played dumb


悶悶不樂 Sulking, Sulky, Depressed, Unhappy


不約而同 Unanimously


滔滔不絕 Talk fluently and endlessly

絡繹不絕 Continuous stream

綿延不絕 Endless, Extending far into the distance without end

連綿不絕 Incessant, Uninterrupted, Endless

不絕 Full of praise

連綿不絕的山巒 An endless range of mountains, Unbroken mountain ridge


不給 Don't give him, Didn't give him

不管他給不給 Whether or not he gave


鞋帶不綁 Untied shoelaces, An untied shoelace

鞋帶不綁好是很危險的 Untied shoelaces can be dangerous, An untied shoelace can be dangerous


不經 Inadvertently

不經 Casual, Careless


不總 Not always


不變 Unchanged, Not changed

一成不變 Fixed, Invariable, Immutable

正方形面積不變 The area of the square is still the same, The area of the square hasn't changed

不變 Unchanging, Constant

不變 Is constant, Is unchanged


不忍 Could not forbear, Could not hold back from

不忍 Miserable, Horrible to look at, Sorry to look at

現場真是慘不忍 Truly a sorry sight


不翼而飛 Disappeared


意願不強 Not strongly motivated, Lacking will-power, Weak-willed


不已 Incessant

疼痛不已 Painfully

讚歎不已 Amazed


不予 Not to

不予 Ignore

努力不予理會 Try to ignore, Tried to ignore, Tried to ignore it


一言不發 Without saying a word

一語不發 Said nothing, Didn't say anything

不發一語 Said nothing, Without a word, Didn't say a word, Don't say a word


不了 Can't, Couldn't

不了 Can't attend

不了 Can't finish, Can't do the job

不了 Inevitably

不了 Can't get (there)

不了 Can't go, Not possible to go

不了 I have had enough, I can't take it! Can't take any more!

不了 Can't eat, Can't eat everything

不了 Can't drink, Can't finish a drink

不了 Indispensable, Inevitable, Inevitably, No doubt

不了 Can't forget

不了 Can't grab

不了 Reluctant

不了 Can't use, Can't use all (of it)

不了 Cannot do without, Cannot avoid, Have to

不了 Can't buy

不了 Can't possibly win

不了 No escape, Can't get away

不了 Can't enter

不了 Can't get across

最受不了 Cannot stand, Cannot tolerate

說服不了 Can't convince, Can't persuade

沒啥大不了 Nothing to write home about, Not that big

你才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget

妳才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget

不了 Did not understand

不了了之 Let it go

不了 The door wouldn't open

你逃不了 You can't escape, There is no escape, You won't get away

不了我們 Couldn't help us

不了多少錢 Don't earn much money, Don't earn much

一點兒也不了解我 Doesn't know or understand me at all, Completely misunderstands me

不了多久 Before long, How long will it take

比郵票大不了多少 Not much bigger than a postage stamp, Not much bigger than postage stamps


不及 Be inferior to, not as (good) as

不及 Late, Run late, Unable to make it in time

不及 Can't wait, Couldn't wait

措手不及 Caught unawares, Caught unprepared, Taken by surprise

時間來不及 Not enough time

不及 Fail

不及 Too late

不及 Can't wait

就來不及 It would be too late

再也等不及 Couldn't wait, Couldn't put up with the wait

已經來不及 Already too late, Too late

到時候就來不及 By that time it would be too late

到時可能就來不及 By then it may be too late

不及到那兒 Couldn't wait to get there

簡直等不及到那兒 Simply couldn't wait to get there

我還來不及回神 Before I know it, Before I knew it

他們還來不及進一步討論 Before they could continue the discussion


不願 Unwilling

不願 Unwilling, Won't, Doesn't want to

不願妥協 Unwilling to compromise

不願相信 Didn't want to believe, Unwilling to believe

不願受到拘束 Unwilling to be tied down, Unwilling to be restrained

不願與人深交 Unwilling to get close, Resist intimacy, Resists intimacy, Resisted intimacy

不願再開口說任何話 Unwilling to say anything, Refuse to say anything at all, Refuse to speak at all

不願為自己行為負責 Unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions


不顧 Disregard, Ignore, Not pay attention to, Regardless


不知不覺 Unconsciously

渾然不覺 Unaware, Oblivious, Unknowing

一點都不覺得痛 Didn't feel any pain at all, Didn't hurt at all


不留情面 Unrelenting, Ruthless, Unflinching

不留餘地 Without leeway, Pursue to the brutal end

片甲不留 Completely (destroyed), Completely routed

一點痕跡也不留 Without leaving a trace, No tracks


不長 Short, Not long

不長 No, sir


不順 Not smooth, Not handy

不順 Difficult to use

怎麼不順便帶 Why not bring


不免 Have to, Must, Invariably, Inevitably, Inevitable

不免 Inevitable, Inevitably, Inevitability


不解 Puzzled, Uncomprehending, Didn't understand, Doesn't understand, Don't understand

不解 Unable to understand

全然不解 Completely puzzled, Completely unable to understand

迷惑不解 Bewildered

不解原因 Couldn't understand why

不解原因 He didn't understand why, He couldn't understand why

不解暗示 Did not get the hint, Did not get the insinuation, Missed the insinuation, Was puzzled by the hint

遠水不解近渴 Distant water won't quench impeding thirst


不觸 But doesn't touch the ground


不名 Dishonour, Disgrace, Disrepute


不多 Not many, Very few

不多 Not too many people, Only a few people, A small group of people

不多 About, There abouts, Approximately

不多 Not much smoke, Little smoke

餘錢不多 Did not have a lot of spare money, Had little spare money

你的錢不多 You don't have a lot of money, You're not rich

外貌差不多 Similar looking, Similar in appearance

要的人不多 Didn't need too many people, Wanted a small number of people

認識得不多 Don't know much, Didn't know much

她差不多再也不會 She almost never

需要的東西也不多 Don't need much, Doesn't need much, Didn't need much

他需要的東西也不多 He doesn't need much, He didn't need much

她需要的東西也不多 She doesn't need much, She didn't need much

不多 Almost, Just about, Close enough

不多沒有 Almost none, Almost never, Hardly any, Hardly ever

不多都是 Was usually, Nearly always

不多那一樣 Pretty much the same

不多同一地區 Roughly the same area

不多沒有上過學 Almost never went to school

到了差不多妳這個年紀時 Get to about your age, When getting to about your age

也差不多能達到相同的功能 Would have done roughly the same thing, Would have served roughly the same function

由一個外貌差不多的男士主持 Hosted by a man of similar appearance


不夠 Not enough, Not sufficient

不夠 Still not enough, Is not enough

是夠還不夠 Is it enough or not?

全力以赴還不夠 Going all out won't be sufficient, Your best won't be enough

只會游泳還不夠 Just being able to swim won't be enough

不夠 Not warm enough

天氣又不夠 The weather isn't warm enough, The weather wasn't warm enough

不夠強壯 Not strong enough, Isn't strong enough, Aren't strong enough, Wasn't strong enough, Won't be strong enough

不夠聰明 He's not smart enough

不夠我所需要的量 Not quite the amount that I need


不然 Otherwise

他則不然 He wasn't, He on the other hand wasn't

不然的話 Otherwise


不久 Not long

不久 Lately

過後不久 Not long after

經過市區後不久 Not long after passing through the city center

不久 Not long ago, Not long before

不久 Not long afterwards, Before long

不久 Not long, Near (in time)

不久之後 Not long after, Before long

不久的未來 In the near future, In the not-too-distant future


我們已經不年輕了 We aren't getting any younger


不怎 Not particularly

不怎麼樣 Not very good

不怎麼真實 Not really genuine

不怎麼擅長表達 Not very articulate, Not very good with words

近來她也不怎麼游泳了 She doesn't swim much these days, She didn't swim much these days

不怎麼開心 Not very happy

有時不怎麼開心 Not always happy, Not entirely happy


距離可不短 Not a short distance

從上面到底下的距離可不短 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop


不知 Not know, Not knowing

不知不覺 Unconsciously

根本不知 Didn't realize, Had no idea

無所不知 Omniscient, To know all, To know everything

茫然不知 At a complete loss

不知 Unaware of

不知 Did not know, Did not realize

不知 Dissatisfied, Insatiable

不知 Don't know, Doesn't know, Didn't know

不知 Do not know, Does not know, Did not know, Did not recognize

不知 She doesn't know

不知 I don't know, I didn't know

不知 Don't have a clue, Haven't got a clue

不得不知 Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

完全不知 Did not know at all, Did not know, Did not understand

從來不知 Never knew

我也不知 I don't know either

我可不知 I don't know

永遠不知 Never know

大家都不知 Nobody knew, Nobody had a clue

我們可不知 We don't know

他們難道不知 Don't they know

這點我倒不知 The point escaped me, I fully don't understand

恐怕連我都不知 I'm afraid even I don't know, I'm afraid not even I know

不知好歹 Ignorant, Ungrateful, Arrogant, Uppity, Self-important

不知該挑 Not know what choice to make, Not know what to choose

不知名東西 Something unknown

不知所措下 At a loss for what to do next

不知道這件事 I didn't know that, I didn't know about that

但是我並不知道啊 But I didn't know!

那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was

不知道她是怎麼辦到的 She doesn't know how she does it

如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of

不知怎地 Somehow

不知怎的 Somehow

不知怎麼 Somehow

這個問題不知怎的 This question somehow, Something about this question

不知怎麼了 Didn't know what to do, Didn't know what was wrong

不知道他們會說什麼呢 Don't know what they'll say

不知道該說什麼 Did not know what to say, Had nothing to say

不知道那是什麼 Don't know what it is

不知道胚胎是什麼 Did not know what a fetus was, Did not know what an embryo was

不知道能幫忙什麼 Didn't know what to do to help, Didn't know how to help

不知道那是什麼 Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was

你知不知道你惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?

妳知不知道妳惹到了誰 Do you know who you messed with?, You don't know who you messed with do you?


到期不付 Didn't pay by the due date, Got into arrears


喋喋不休 Chatter non-stop, Talk without cease

死纏不休 Incessant, Not resting

諜諜不休 Chatter non-stop


不但 Not only


不住 Continued, Continuously, Incessantly

不住 Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help but, Unable to tolerate

不住 Can't hold, Can't restrain, Can't catch

不住 Incapable of blocking, Not blocking, Not able to hinder, Not able to impede

不住 Can't stop

不住 Can't help but

不住 Can hardly stand, Untenable, Unsustainable, Unjustifiable

不住 Remember, Keep straight in one's head

不住 Could not stand, Could no longer take it, Was unable to resist, Cannot help

不住 Can hardly stand

不住吃了 Could not resist eating

不住笑了 Could not help laughing

不住覺得 Can't help feeling that

不住力道 Unable to stop

她就忍不住皺了下鼻子 Wrinkle her nose in distaste


無惡不作 Do all kinds of evil

不作 Keep silent, Keeps silent, Kept silent, Stay silent, Stays silent, Staying silent, Stayed silent


收入不佳 Poor income


不使用閃光燈拍攝人像 Portrait shooting without using flash


不便 Inconvenient


差點小命不保 Almost dying


不信 Distrust, Cynicism

一句也不信 Don't believe a word, Doesn't believe a word, Didn't believe a word


不值 Not worth

一文不值 Worthless

不值一提 Not worth a mention, Not worth mentioning

根本不值一提 Not worth mentioning at all, Not even worth mentioning, Not even bear mentioning

不值一提的事 Didn't need mentioning or acknowledgement


不假思索 Without thinking


不停 Continuous, Endlessly, Unceasing, Non-stop, Don't stop, Not stop, Ever

忙個不停 Keep busy, Keep occupied, Always busy, Always working

爭個不停 Argued endlessly, Endlessly fought

響個不停 Endless sound (of)

雨下個不停 Rains non-stop, Doesn't stop raining

大雨還是下個不停 The heavy rain continued, It continued to rain heavily, non-stop

不停 Constantly

不停 Non-stop(ping), Doesn't stop

不停 Non-stop, Travel on horseback without resting

不停搏動 Pulsing, Beating

不停轉動 Always turning, Always rotating, Ever spinning

不停留太久 Not staying for too long, Not stopping for too long

絕對不停留太久 Never stay too long, Never stopping too long, Never stopping for long


不僅 Not only

不僅 Not just, Not only, More than


不像 Not like, Doesn't seem, Doesn't seem like, Did not appear to be

一點也不像 Isn't at all like, Not at all like

不像 Absurd, Ridiculous, Unreasonable, Inconceivable, Beyond belief

短到不像 Preposterously short

不像在開玩笑 Did not appear to be joking, Did not appear to be in a jocular mood, Did not appear to be in a jocose mood

不過不像任何 But not like any


不償 The loss outweighs the gain


不動 Unmoving, Still

不動 From time to time, Often, Frequently, Easily, At every turn

不動 Can't move it, Can't move them, Unable to move them

一動不動 Perfectly still

停止不動 Stops moving

文風不動 No change in status, Stayed calm, Unmoved, Unmoving

站著不動 Stand still, Stands still, Stood still, Stood unmoving

一動也不動 Was completely still, Didn't move

他站著不動 He stands still, He stands unmoving, He is standing still, He stood still

不動 Real estate, Immobile assets


不重 Unimportant, Nonessential

這並不重 It's not important

這全都不重 None of this matters, None of this mattered, None of that mattered


不甜 Not sweet


不利 Not going smoothly, Not going well, Bad, Adverse, Not good, Unfavorable

不利 Is harmful to


不愁吃穿 Not have to worry about money, Not have to worry about food or clothing

這輩子都不愁吃穿了 Would never be short of money, Would never have to worry about food or clothing


不穩 Unstable, Unsteady, Unbalanced

重心不穩 Unbalanced

不穩 Unstable, Easily changeable, Labile

不穩 Unstable

不穩定的 Unstable, Easily changeable, Liable to change, Labile, Easily altered

不穩定的新領域 Ever shifting boundary, Variable boundary, Variable border

樸實和夏季舒適之間不穩定的新領域 The variable border between modesty and summer comfort


不升 Not rising


不受 Not accept, Not acceptable

不受鼓勵 Not encouraged

不受官方鼓勵 Officially discouraged


不妥 Non-conformist

為了不妥協而不妥協 Be non-conformist for its own sake, Be a non-conformist for its own sake


不愛出去 Doesn't like going out

不愛聊天 Don't like talking, Doesn't like talking, Didn't like talking, Didn't like to chat


不爭 Discouraged, Easily give up, Disappointing

不爭氣的 Disappointing


不辭而別 Leave without saying goodbye


不釋 Can't put it down


不從 Lacking the ability to do what one wishes, Lacking the resources or power to do what one wants

不從人願 Fate had other plans

就是天不從人願 But fate had other plans


不行 Can't, Unable to, Not allowed, No, Nope

永遠不行 Never (allowed to)

至少還不行 At least not yet

不曉得這樣行不行 Don't know if this will work, Doesn't know if this will work, Will this work?, Will this do?, Will that do?

行動或不行 Act or not act, Take action or don't take action

不行告訴我爸媽 Don't tell my parents


不後 Does not regret


不得 Cannot

不得 Anxious

不得 No wonder

不得 Wish to do something impossible or illegal or immoral

不得 Reluctant, Reluctant to give up

不得 Can't argue, Can't (rouse, Excite, Disagree, Oppose)

不得 Shouldn't listen, Shouldn't hear, Shouldn't be heard

不得 Can not remember

不得 Unrecognizable, Unintelligible

不得 Can't care

動彈不得 Unable to move

哭笑不得 Dumbfounded

都捨不得 Reluctant, Cannot bear to

不得 Have to, Had to, Must

不得 Extremely, Exceedingly

不得 Have to, No other options, Last resort

不得 Was compelled

不得 Shameful, Shady, Under the table, Unseen

動彈不得 Freeze, Freeze up, Become unable to move

不得而知 Unknown

不得要領 Doesn't get the main point, Misses the point, Cannot get the gist, Pointless

不得不知道 Had to know, Have to know, Force to know

不得以只好 Have no choice but to, Had not choice but to

不得不去哀求 Had to beg

不得不坦言 I must confess, I must say frankly

不得不感到好奇 Cannot help being curious, Cannot help but to be curious

令牢裡不得安寧 No peace in prison

不得不在盛怒中動用 Until being compelled to use in anger


不須 Need not


不等 Not uniform, Uneven, Varied


不算 Not matter, Not count

不算 Not matter, Not count, Don't count

不算 Not amount to much

不算 A lot, Not insubstantial

不算 Didn't amount to much, Didn't amount to alot

但數目不算 But not many

其實也不算 Was actually quite a lot

不算太糟 It's not so bad, That's not so bad

不算太遠 Not too far

距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal

動作不算優雅 It was not elegant, It was not graceful

這樣的要求不算過分吧 It's not too much to ask it it?

跟他不算很熟 Didn't know him that well, Doesn't know him that well, Had not known him that well

跟她不算很熟 Didn't know her that well, Doesn't know her that well, Had not known her that well

他根本就不算是人 He was not even human, He was scarcely human

她根本就不算是人 She was not even human, She was scarcely human


不管 No matter, Irrespective of, Regardless

坐視不管 Sit idly, Watch and do nothing

不管他給不給 Whether or not he gave

我們不能坐視不管 We can't just sit and do nothing

不管 Ineffective, Regardless

不管要找誰 No matter who you are looking for

不管那是誰 No matter who it is, No matter who it was

不管他在哪裡 No matter where he was

不管工作多辛苦 No matter how difficult work is

不管那是什麼意思 Whatever that meant

不管他做出哪一種體操動作 No matter what kind of gymnastic movement he did, No matter what gymnastic feat he performed

不管雨有多大 No matter how much it rains

不管你的困境有多深 No matter the extent of your difficulties, No matter how deep your troubles


那還不簡 That's not easy


不為人知 No one else knew about, Secret


遠水不救近火 Distant water won't extinguish a nearby fire


飆風不歸 Sons Of Anarchy


不敷使用 Useless, Used up


形影不離 Inseparable


不亦樂乎 Excited


不熟 Unfamiliar, Immature

不熟 Unfamiliar, Not familiar with, Not conversant with

不熟的人 Stranger

不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue

不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him

不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her


念念不忘 Bear in mind constantly


不放 Without cease

緊盯著不放 Stared fixedly

不放 Worry, Worried, Uneasy

總是不放 Always worry


不方便 Inconvenient, Difficult


不意 Not unexpected, Not surprising

不意 Off course, Not unexpected, Not surprising

想也不意 Not unexpected, Not surprising

出其不意 Catch off-guard, Catch someone off-guard

一個出其不意 A suprise


不記 Don't remember

總是不記 Easily forget, Easily forgets, Easily forgot, Have a short memory, Has a short memory, Had a short memory, Had short memories

不記得了 Couldn't remember

幾乎不記得了 Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about


不許 Not allowed,prohibited


不試試跳傘 Don't try skydiving


不該 Should not

不該要求 Should not request, Should not get

不該這麼做 Shouldn't be doing this


不詳 Unknown


不認 Do not see, Do not believe, Not of the opinion

不認 I don't think that, I don't believe that

翻臉不認 Deny a friend, Betray an old acquaintance

有人看到天才也不認 Some people don't recognize talent when they see it


不說一聲 Not say a thing

不說話的 Non-speaking, Unspeakable

一句話不說 Didn't speak, Didn't speak a word


不論 Regardless, No matter, Despite

不論 Whether it is, Whether

不論遇到少困難 Regardless of the problems encountered, Despite the difficulties

不論錯得多離譜 No matter how wrong


不讓 Not allow, Prevent

不讓 Don't allow him, Didn't allow him

不讓它死 Keep it alive

不讓她進來 Did not allow her to enter

不讓火熄滅 Don't let the fire go out, Not letting the fire go out

不讓火燒得太旺 Don't let the fire burn to hot, Not letting the fire burn too large


不安 Uneasy, Unsettled, Disconcerted, Uncertain, Nervous, Restless, Uncomfortable, Upset

一臉不安 Looked uneasy, Looked uncomfortable, Looked upset

令人不安 Disturbing

有點不安 A little uneasy, A little disconcerted

焦躁不安 Fidgeted, Fidgety, Flustered, Feel flustered

覺得不安 Feel uneasy, Feel unsettled, Sense of disquiet

真的開始覺得不安 Truly started to feel a sense of disquiet

才真的開始覺得不安 Only then started to truly feel uneasy

不安 Unsafe

不安 Nervously, Uneasily

不安的感覺 Disquiet, Feeling of unease

變得不安全了 Become unsafe

不安地把錶蓋開開關關 Nervously opening and closing the watch cover

令人不安的消息 Disturbing news

我收到了令人不安的消息 I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news


不完 Can't finish, Endless

不完 Not finished speaking, Not finished saying

永遠走不完 Endless walk

他的冒險故事我連一半都說不完 I can't tell half his adventures

舉例不完 Incomplete example, The example is incomplete

那就有擔不完的心了 Then there will be a lot to worry about, Then there will be endless worries


不官 No matter


不定 Unstable

不定 Maybe, Could have

心神不定 Restless mood

游移不定 Hesitant, Vacillating, Undecided

神思不定 Distracted

行蹤不定 Whereabouts uncertain

不定 Non-directional, Undirected, Without a direction

不定式的 Verb Infinitive

不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped


不宜 Inappropriate, Unsuitable


不客 You are welcome, Pleasure, My pleasure


不容 Not tolerate, Not allow, Unwelcome

不容 Not easy

不容 Difficult, Not easy

不容忽視 Cannot be ignored, Unignorable


習焉不察 So used to something to call it into question

習而不察 So accustomed one can something without a second glance, Well versed


心神不寧 Uneasy

心緒不寧 Disturbed, Unsettled


可忽略不寫 Doesn't have to be written, Can be ignored


不穿 Not wearing


層出不窮 Emerge in endlessly


不得不感到好奇 Cannot help being curious, Cannot help but to be curious


不成 Not suitable, Won't do, Won't succeed

不成體統 Act inappropriately

不成 Immoral person, Person of loose morals

不成 Unsuccessful, Unsuccessfully

不成 Useless, Good for nothing

不成 Unreasonable, Ridiculous, Absurd


不應 Should not

不應該影響到 Should not affect

不應 Should not, Should not have

不應 In short supply, Insufficient supplies to meet demand, Supply does not equal demand

不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned

不應該回來的 You shouldn't have come back, You shouldn't have returned


樂此不疲 Never get tired of


撞也不痛 Doesn't hurt when hit, Crashing but it doesn't hurt


不良 Poor

消化不良 Indigestion, Dyspepsia

營養不良 Malnutrition, Undernourish, Undernourished

不良事件 Adverse affect, Adverse reaction

長期營養不良的人 Chronically malnourished, Chronically undernourished

疫苗不良事件通報系統 Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System

全國藥物不良反應通報中心 National Adverse Drug Reaction Notification Center

不良反應 Bad reaction, Bad response

嚴重不良反應 Severe reaction (to)


川流不息 Continuous, Constant flow

生生不息 Multiply endlessly

經久不息 Enduring

自強不息 Self-improvement

車潮川流不息 Flow of traffic, Constant flow of traffic, Constant stream of cars, Rivers of cars


不自 Unconscious, Subconscious

不自 Compulsion

不自禁地 Compulsive, Compulsion

他會情不自禁地 He would compulsively, He had a compulsion to


不准 Not fit, Not suitable


狐疑不決 Undecided, Hesitant, Unsure

猶豫不決 Indecisive


滴酒不沾 Not touch a drop of alcohol


不法 Illegal, Unlawful


不洋 Not abundant


不洽輿情 Act against public opinion


不消一日 Less than a day, Not more than a day


不添加防腐劑 No added preservatives, Does not contain preservatives


不清 Unclear, Not understood, Uncertainty

不清 Barely remembered

不清 Still unclear, Still not understood

如有不清 If anything is unclear, If there is anything you don't understand

一點也不清 Not at all clear, There was nothing clear

不清 Countless, Innumerable

多到數不清 Too many to count, Countless

多得數不清 Too may to count, Countless

不清的美景 Countless scenic areas, Countless beautiful locations


不溼 Not damp, Not wet


不滿 Dissatisfied

部分諸侯對周王不滿 Some princes 諸侯 where unhappy with the King of Zhou 周王

不滿半年 Not even half a year


不導 Nonconducting


不遠不近 Not too far and not too close


一去不返 Leave for good, Leave and never return


從容不迫 Unhurried, Unrushed, Calmly, In a composed manner


不追 Not pursue, Not after, Does not aspire to


不退 Not declining, Not waning, Not retreating


不送 Not send, Not give


不透 Opaque


不這 Not worried, Wasn't worried


不通 Blocked, Impassable, Illogical, Non-sensical

不通 Unable to pass, Get nowhere, No dice, Impracticable, Not feasible

不通 Doesn't work

已經行不通 No longer works, Doesn't work anymore

沒有走不通的死巷 There are no dead ends


不速之客 Uninvited guest, Unwelcome visitor

有如不速之客 Like an uninvited guest


不進 Can't move into, Can't be moved into


不過 But, Though, Except, Only, Merely

不過 Doesn't trust, Doesn't count on

不過 Only, Merely, Well

不過 Won't last, Won't survive, Won't live past, Won't live longer than

不過 Unable to endure

不過不是 But it isn't

不過並不是 But not, But isn't, But it isn't

不過不是 Just not, Only not

不過 But hey

不過 Does not go beyond, Does not exceed

那只不過 It was just

不過做了 Had only done

不過即使 But even if

不過反正 But in any case, But anyway

不過只要 But as long as

不過總之 But anyway, But anyways

不過還是 But still, However, But never the less, But even so

不過要怎麼 But how do we, But how to

不過一旦我們 But once we

不過不像任何 But not like any

不過倒也未必 Not necessarily, Perhaps not

不過別給他們 But don't give it to them

不過從另方面 But from another point of view, But in another way

不過我沒想到 But I never thought

不過誰知道呢 But who knows?, But perhaps there is a chance

不過也沒什麼用 Not that it matters, Not that it mattered

不過我一直都在 But I was there, But I was always there

不過沒那麼簡單 But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy

不過確實有幫助 But it really helped

臀部不過度翹起 Buttocks do not lift

一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year

不過這該不太可能 This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely

不過跟加法一樣 It's just like adding

不過她不由自主 But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it

不過一旦我們逮到她 But once we catch her

我只不過是要別人欣賞我這個人罷了 I just want others to appreciate me for who I am


不遑 Too busy

不遑多讓 Too busy to do one's self and so others help


一點不遜 Not at all inferior, As good as


不遠 Close, Nearby, Not far

不遠不近 Not too far and not too close

不遠 Not far from, Not far away

不遠的地方 Close by, Nearby

在離家不遠的地點 At a location close to home

你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home


不適 Ill suited, Indisposed

身體不適 Discomfort

不適 Not suitable

不適 Improper, Inappropriate

不適任了 Washed out, Done with, Incapable of doing the job

再也不適合我 No longer suitable for me, No longer suitable

不適用囉 Doesn't work, Isn't useful

現在也不適用囉 Is now no longer useful, Now no longer works


不遲 Was not too late


不遵 Don't follow, Don't obey, Don't abide by


不慌不忙 Without losing composure, Leisurely, Unhurriedly

他不慌不忙 He didn't rush, He took his time

她不慌不忙 She didn't rush, She took her time


不怕曬了 Not have to worry about getting sun burnt

一點兒也不怕 Not at all afraid of the cold

學語言就得不怕說錯 Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a language


不怪 Don't blame, Don't hold responsible


不惜 Unhesitant, Totally willing, Ready to fully commit


不慌不忙 Without losing composure, Leisurely, Unhurriedly

不慌不忙 He didn't rush, He took his time

不慌不忙 She didn't rush, She took her time


不慍不火 Tepid, Even, Tepidly, Evenly, Calmly

不慍不火地說 Calmly said, Evenly said


不慎 Accidentally


不懂 Not understand, Don't understand

不懂 Don't understand what is heard

不懂 Difficult to read, Unintelligible writing

完全不懂 Knew nothing, Knew nothing at all about, Did not understand anything about

還是不懂 Still don't understand, I still don't understand

不懂 Immature

不懂 Doesn't know, Doesn't understand, Doesn't comprehend

完全不懂拳擊 Know nothing about boxing, Knows nothing about boxing, Knowing nothing about boxing, Knew nothing about boxing

不懂你講什麼 Don't understand what you are saying


不懈 Untiring, Indefatigable

堅持不懈 Persevere


不必 Doesn't need to, Doesn't have to

從來不必 Never has to

不必 No need

不必 Don't need to be acting as

不必找了 Don't bother looking

不必再繳交 Don't need to pay again, Doesn't need to pay again


不祥 Ominous, Unlucky

不祥 Ominous, Unlucky


不被看好的 Not very well thought of

原本不被看好的 Originally not well thought of, Initially not well thought of

不被重視的 Not taken seriously

保障我不被餓死 Keep me from starting to death, Prevent me from starting to death

不被風雨雷霆摧折 Not broken by wind rain or thunder


不介 Don't mind, Didn't mind, Not bothered, Wasn't bothered

不介 I don't mind

不介意做 Wouldn't mind doing, Would not be adverse to doing


連坐都不坐 Didn't sit down


格格不入 Totally incompatible with, Unsuited to, Doesn't fit


不全然正確 Not completely correct, Not quite correct


不合 Not suitable, Unfit, Substandard

不合身體的東西弄出來 Bring up or vomit something that didn't agree with his body

不合 Unreasonable, Unreasoning

不合 Completely unacceptable

不合乎生態學 Not ecological, Not ecologically friendly

那麼做不合乎生態學 That wasn't ecological, Doing it that way would not have been ecological


不令人愉快 Unpleasant

外觀上很不令人愉快 Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at


不舒 Feel uncomfortable, Feel bad

有點不舒 A little bit uncomfortable, Feel a little bit ill

光看就很不舒服的 Uncomfortable to look at, Disturbing to look at

一陣很不舒服的鼓漲感 An uncomfortable bulging sensation

光看就很不舒服的穿刺工具 Penetrative tooling that is uncomfortable to look at, Penetrative tooling that is disturbing to look at, Tool that looks disturbingly penetrating, Tools that look disturbingly penetrating


不會 Cannot, Isn't, Aren't, Doesn't

不會 It wouldn't, It wouldn't be

不會 Would or wouldn't, Would or would not

再也不會 Was never

或許不會 Maybe not, Perhaps not

難道不會 It would be hard not to

也或許不會 And maybe not, And perhaps not

永遠也不會 Never would

會也可能不會 May or may not

她差不多再也不會 She almost never

猜想他永遠也不會 Surmised he never would

不會 Don't move, Can't move

不會 Won't break, Won't be damaged

不會 I can't do it, I couldn't do it, I don't know how to do it, I didn't know how to do it

不會 I won't

不會 Couldn't fly, Hadn't yet learned to fly

怎麼不會 And why not?

門都不會 The door would not open, The door wouldn't open

他們還不會 They couldn't fly, They hadn't yet learned to fly

說了你也不會 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand

說了妳也不會 You wouldn't understand even if I told you, You wouldn't understand

不會受制 Not restrained, Free, Free from, Not restricted, Not controlled

不會沾到 Won't get on, Won't stain, Won't stain, Won't stick to

不會高興 Wouldn't be happy, Won't be happy

不會太愉快 Not very happy

不會掉下去 Did not fall, Will not fall

不會是今天 It's not today, It wouldn't be today

不會介意 I'm not bitter, I'm not bothered

不會在市中心 Wouldn't be in the city center, Wouldn't be downtown

不會太難預測 Easy to predict, Not too difficult to predict

不會流一滴汗 Without getting sweaty, Without breaking a sweat

可能不會同意 Might beg to differ, Probably wouldn't agree

從來不會出錯 Never wrong, Never made a mistake

不會有感覺 I wouldn't feel anything., I can't feel anything., I don't feel anything

再也不會回來了 Was never coming back

不會去和他談 I won't go and talk with him

不會自以為是 I would not presume to imply

永遠不會離開了 Would never leave

不會去比佛利山莊 Wouldn't go to Beverly Hills, Wouldn't be in Beverly Hills

不會受制於這一切 Free from all of this, Not restrained by all of this

不會遭受謊言蒙蔽 Could not be deceived

我再也不會見她了 I can't see her ever again

不會無動於它的魅力 Was not unaffected by its charm, Was not immune to its charm

有些人就是學不會教訓 Some people never learn

裡面當然不會有任何東西 Of course there wouldn't be anything inside

相信某件事並不會讓它方真 Believing something doesn't make it true

不會在乎 Don't care, Wouldn't care, Don't have minded, Wouldn't have minded

不會在乎 He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

不會在乎 She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded

不會有事 Everything would be allright, Nothing would go wrong

不會有用 Wouldn't work, Be of no use

不會知道 Didn't know

不會有人知道 No one knew, No one had any idea

當然不會有人知道 Of course now one had any idea, Of course nobody had any idea

不會生他的氣 Was not angry at him, Harbored no resentment toward him

不會生她的氣 Was not angry at her, Harbored no resentment toward her

不會想知道的事 Wouldn't want to know about

不會被發現的 Won't be discovered

我們不會被發現的 We won't be discovered, No one will find out what we've done

他會不會擔心 Was he worried, Did it worry him

她會不會擔心 Was she worried, Did it worry her

大概不會太晚 Probably sooner rather than later

不會再持續太久 Won't stay like this for long, Won't be like this for much longer

不會有什麼問題 Won't have any problems, Won't have a problem (with regards to)

不會出什麼問題 It would not be a problem

不會犯那種錯誤 Didn't want to make the mistake of, Wasn't going to make the mistake of

她才不會犯那種錯誤 She didn't want to make the mistake of, She wasn't going to make the mistake of

不會找不熟的人來幫他 Will not reach out to strangers to help him, Would not reach out to strangers to help him

不會找不熟的人來幫她 Will not reach out to strangers to help her, Would not reach out to strangers to help her

他就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find his way even with his eyes closed

她就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find her way even with her eyes closed


不銹 Stainless steel


不錯 Not bad, Good, Well done, Not wrong

不錯 Nice, Not bad at all, Really nice

不錯 Is still okay, Not bad, Not too bad, Good enough

住得不錯 Well-housed

做得不錯 Doing well, Doing pretty good, Doing not to badly

幹得不錯 Did pretty well, Did not badly

教得不錯 Teach well

感覺挺不錯 Feel good, Feels good, It's nice to

不錯 Not bad

聽起來很不錯 That sounds good

看到工作有進展感覺挺不錯 It's nice to see the work progressing, It's nice to seem some progress (in the work)

不錯的未來 Decent prospects, A good future

不錯的未來 Decent prospects, A good future


不鏽 Stainless steel

不鏽鋼管線網路 Stainless stell plumbing, Network of stainless stell pipes


己所不欲 Don't do to others what you wouldn't want to be done to you


不公 Unjust, Unfair


不分 Regardless, Regardless of

不分 Do not share

不分彼此 Exchange services or goods between friends without asking for payment


不小 Accidentally, Inadvertently, Inadvertent, Careless, Carelessly, By chance

不小 Carelessly, A little carelessly

不小 Is not small at all

年紀可不小 Old, Not young

一點兒也不小 Not small at all, Not at all insignificant

不小心點 A little carelessly, Not paying attention, Accidentally, A little incautiously

不小心關上了 Closed by accident, Accidentally closed

老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 Teacher accidentally saw my test paper


不少 Many

行頭一件不少 To have enough outfits, Sufficient wardrobe

不少 Many people, A lot of people

不少 A lot of money

花了不少時間 Spent a lot of time

在心理上讓他留下了不少疤痕 Scarred him mentally, Scarred him emotionally


不慍不火 Tepid, Even, Tepidly, Evenly, Calmly

不慍不火地說 Calmly said, Evenly said


不料 Unexpected

不料 But unexpectedly


無一不精 Expert in everything, Versatile and a virtuoso


不對 No, Not correct, Not true, Wrong

不對 Right or wrong, Good or bad

不對 Can't remember (from studying) correctly

不對 Can't say it correctly

不對 Not all right, Not okay, Wrong

不對 Was wrong

事情不對 Something wasn't right, Something was wrong

有點不對 A little bit off, A little bit hinky, A little bit unreliable

那樣不對 That wouldn't be right, It wouldn't be right, That would be wrong

知道事情不對 Knew something was wrong

那樣做是不對 That was wrong to do, That would have been wrong

該知道事情不對 Should have known something was wrong


不曾 Have never

從來不曾 Never

不曾停止 Never stop

從來不曾停止 Never stop, Never cease

不曾說出口 Never said, Never spoken

可能不曾 There might never have been

不曾說出口的 Never said, Never spoken

可能不曾有龍 There might never have been dragons, There might have been no dragon, There might have been no dragons

從來不曾停止發出哭喊 Never cease crying out, Never stop crying


不尊 Disrespect

不尊重他們 Disrespect them


遲滯不前 Sit still, Make no progress


不差 Not bad

一點不差 Exactly

一點不差 Exactly?


不肖 Unworthy


不光 Not the only one, Not only, Not just

不光 Ignominiously

不光是他而已 But it wasn't just him, But it wasn't just about him


不常 Infrequently, Not frequently

不常參加 Didn't often attend, Didn't often go to

不常參加那個聚會 Didn't often attend that meeting


不當 Improper


不花 Not spend, Without expending


不著 Can't, Don't, Couldn't, Didn't (after a verb)

不著 Can't lend

不著 Can't reach, Out of reach

不著 Can't look for, Can't find

不著 Can't touch, Can't get a grip on, Can't get head around

不著 Weren't using, Can't use, Don't need

不著 Can't sleep, Couldn't sleep, Stayed awake

不著 Can't see (someone or something)

不著 Can't buy

躺了好一陣子睡不著 Lay awake for a while

不著 Non-flammable

不著破產 Without going broke, No need to go broke

不著多想也知道 Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute

不著頭緒 Feel clueless

令人摸不著頭緒 Makes no sense


不驚擾到 Not disturb, Not startle

小心不驚擾到 So as not to disturb, Trying not to disturb


不難 Not difficult

不難想見 No doubt, Predictably


不甘示弱 Defiantly, Not to be outdone


不期 Unexpected, Unexpectedly, Chance


不一 Not certain, Not definite, Indefinite, Unsure

不一 Not the same, Different, Unalike

大小不一 Various sized, Various sizes, Of various sizes

完全不一 Completely different, Wholly different

這次不一 This time it's different, This is different

那可不一 Not necessarily, That isn't definite

有什麼不一 What is the difference, What are the differences, How are they different

一點兒也不一 Completely different, Not even remotely the same

我跟他們不一 I'm not like them, I'm different from them

和大多數那類人不一 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people

大小不一的聚落 Various sized settlements

完全不一樣的東西 Completely different thing, Whole different thing, Wholly different thing

讀完全不一樣的報紙 Read a completely different newspaper

現在事情大大不一樣了 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now

學會讀那種完全不一樣的語言 Learn to read a whole other language


不到 Can't, Couldn't, Not, Never, Has not arrived

不到 Can't lend

不到 Can't do it

不到 Can't eat, Couldn't eat

不到 Can't drink

不到 Could not get

不到 Not thinking, Not realizing, Won't believe

不到 Can't find, Not find, Look for without yet finding

不到 Can't catch, Couldn't catch

不到 Won't gather, Won't collect, Won't extract

不到 Cannot touch, Unable to touch

不到 Don't need, Wouldn't need

不到 Can't see

不到 Could not hear

不到 Can't see, Can't meet

不到 Can't buy

不到 Can't do, Couldn't do

不到 Cannot reach, Cannot get, Cannot obtain

他找不到 He can't find, He didn't find, He couldn't find

她找不到 She can't find, She didn't find, She couldn't find

意想不到 Unexpected, Out of the blue, Surprising

感覺不到 Can't be felt

我弄不到 I can't get, I can't get it

找尋不到 Searched for but didn't find, Missing

根本不到 Rather than

聯絡不到 Can't communicate with, Can't reach via communication

都辦不到 Couldn't

什麼都看不到 Can't see a thing

永遠想像不到 Never imagine, Never imagined, Never envisioned

永遠查獲不到 Can never seize

多一個你都找不到 Not one more would you find

這條命很可能撐不到 Probably won't last, Would probably die before

小到看不見也感覺不到 Small enough to not be seen or felt

不到 Can't find

不到 Can't find her

不到 Not buying a ticket

追蹤不到 Lost track of, Can no longer trace, Can no longer locate

你如果找不到 If you can't find him

你如果找不到 If you can't find her

通常沒有什麼是我弄不到 There isn't much that I can't get

不到證據 Won't find any evidence, Won't gather any evidence

查獲不到太多證據 Not much evidence was found

永遠查獲不到太多證據 Never find much evidence

不到八點 It's not even eight o'clock, It's not yet eight o'clock

不到三十英尺 Less than thirty feet

他找不到盔甲 He can't find the armor, He didn't find the armor, He couldn't find the armor

甚至不到一半 Not even half

不到八點欸 It's not even eight o'clock

不到死亡的眷顧 Hadn't the grace to die

我找不到乾淨的襯衫 I can't find a clean shirt

陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine

探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine


不至 Not until

無微不至 Thoughtful, Considerate in every way, Detailed

無所不至 Ubiquitous, Everywhere, Attentive, Thorough, Thoughtful

不至 Unlikely, Couldn't possibly be

不至於那麼衝動 Couldn't be so rash as to


不致 Will not be, Without

不致涉及 Without involving


不亞 No less than


不下 Not less than, Unable to capture

不下 Can't eat any more, Can't eat anything else

不下 Could only read so much

不下 Doesn't drop, Doesn't fall, Doesn't lower

不下 Can not stop, Could not stop

腹部不下 Belly doesn't drop

完全停不下 Completely unable to stop, Could not stop

沒有水活不下 Can't live without water

不下十一次 No fewer than eleven times, No less than eleven times


不平 Uneven, Not level

不平 Rough, Uneven

不平 Uneven, Rough

凹凸不平 Bulging, Bumpy, Uneven

有點不平 A little rough, A little uneven

有點不平 A little rough, A little uneven

你頭顱上的洞有點不平 The hole in your skull is a little rough


不雅 Unbecoming

有點不雅 A little unrefined, A little unbecoming


不可 No, None, Hard, Difficult, Not allowed, Forbidden

萬萬不可 By no means, Under no circumstances, In no even, Absolutely forbidden

非得看不可 Difficult not to see, Couldn't help but see

非上廁所不可 Need to use the toilet, Have to go to the bathroom

不可 Not allowed

不可 No shame

不可 Do not use, Unavailable

不可 Inaudible

不可 Impossible, No, Can not, Could not, Could not have

不可 Unforgivable, Unforgivably

不可 Unreliable, Not reliable

不可 Indispensable, Indispensable contribution that can't go unrecognized

不可 Overwhelming

不可 Impenetrable, Impregnable

不可 Too subtle for words

不可 Inseparable

不可 Not very reliable

不可 Essential

不可 Even more unforgivable, Even more unforgivably

團隊的努力功不可 Team's hard work has been indispensable

不可加熱 Cannot be heated

不可勝數 Numerous

不可衡量 Measureless, Immeasurable

不可避免 Inevitable

不可思議地 Incredibly, Inconceivably, Unbelievably, Strangely

不可置信地 Unbelievingly, Incredulously

不可能破解 Could not be cracked, Could not be decrypted

不可用口吹熄 Do not put it out by blowing on it

不可能那麼小 Can't be that small

這是不可以的 This is not allowed, This is frowned upon

不可衡量的價值 Unmeasurable value, Measureless value, Immeasurable value

不可思議所超越 Transcended by wonder

試管口不可對著人體 The mouth of the test tube should be kept facing away from all persons

不可摧的防禦盾牌概念 The impenetrable shield paradigm

不可原諒 Unforgivable, Unforgivably, Inexcusable, Inexcusably

不可原諒 More unforgivable, More inexcusable

不可思議 Surprisingly, Incredibly, Incredible, Inconceivable, Wonderful, Unbelievable, Strange, Funny, Wonder, A wonder

感到不可思議 Marveled, Felt unbelievable

真是不可思議 It's truly incredible, It's truly beyond belief

臻於不可思議 Unbelievable, Do wonders for

搖著頭覺得不可思議 Shook their head in wonderment, Shook their head feeling wonderful, Was shaking their head in wonder

你有沒有感覺不可思議 Did you ever find it strange that, Didn't you ever find it incredible that

讓人感到威脅而非不可思議 Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder

不可能的 Impossible

那是不可能的 That is impossible, That is not going to happen

不可能的事 The impossible

不可避免的是 Inevitably


不再 No longer

不再孤單 No longer alone, Not alone anymore

不再漫遊 No longer roaming, Not wandering as once before

不再相信 No longer believed, No longer believed in, No longer had faith in

不再繼續 Didn't continue, Didn't go on

不再談起 No longer talked about

不再起伏 Flatten, Even out, Flattened, Evened out, No longer undulated

看起來不再 No longer looked like

不再相信的女神 The goddess he no longer believed in

我會保證妳不再受到干擾 I'll make sure that you aren't disturbed again, I'll make sure that you aren't subjected to any further interruptions

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone

成為不再有的事 Become a thing of the past, Prevent from happening again

讓這類意外成為不再有的事 Made this sort of mishap a thing of the past

不再是你的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods

不再是妳的地盤了 It's no longer your neck of the woods


不二人選 Ideal candidate, Perfect candidate


不巧 Unfortunately


不敢 Not willing, Unwilling, Won't dare, Dare not

不敢 I dare not, I had better not

任何腦子清醒的人都不敢 None in their right mind would dare, Anyone clear headed wouldn't dare

不敢 Undeserving, Unworthy

不敢 Ashamed to accept, Am undeserving

不敢相信 Don't believe it, Won't believe it, Couldn't believe

不敢往下頭看 Did not want to look down, Did not dare to look down

不敢跟他作對 Wouldn't dare go against him, Wouldn't dare mess with him

不敢再走遠了 I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further

好像簡直不敢相信頭髮被剪得那麼醜 As if not believing how bad the haircut was


不正之風 Unhealthy wind

咬合不正 Malocclusion, Irregular bite, Cross bite, Overbite


不理 Ignore, Ignores, Ignoring, Ignored

愛理不理 Ignore

相應不理 Ignore, Not answer, Pay no heed to

置之不理 Disregard, Ignore

不理 Ignore him, Ignores him, Ignored him, Ignoring him

不理 Ignore her, Ignores her, Ignored her, Ignoring her

不理 Ignore, Ignores, Ignoring, Ignoted

兩個人都不理 They ignored him

兩個人都不理 They ignored her

不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above

不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above


不需 Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

不需 Does not need, Does not require

他們不需 They don't need

不需要的 Not needed, Didn't need

花錢在不需要的東西上 Spending money on things that weren't needed

不需要人幫她打理床單 She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


不要 Don't want, Do not, No!

不要 Also… no or not

不要 Don't want to go, Doesn't want to go, Didn't want to go

不要 Don't change

不要 It's okay, That's okay, Don't worry about it

不要 Doesn't cost anything, Don't want money, Doesn't want money

不要 No way

不要吃我 Don't eat me

不要煩我 Don't bother me, Leave me alone

不要看了 Don't look at it

不要小看別人 Don't look down on others

不要隨便相信 Don't be so trusting

千萬不要出來 Don't come out (emphatic)

不要一直看電視 Don't watch too much T.V.

不要把我們帶走 Don't take us away


不恥下問 Don't be ashamed to ask


不聽使喚 Acting up, Not responding, Non-responsive


不耐 Impatient, Impatiently

不耐煩地 Impatiently

不耐 Impatient

不耐 A little impatient

我有些不耐 I am a little impatient


不死 Not dead

不死 Undead, Undying, Not dead

不死的效忠 Undying allegiance


不確 Unsure, Undecided, Wasn't sure

不確 I'm not sure

我甚至不確 I'm not even sure, I'm not sure that

不確定為什麼 Was not sure why

你只是不確定嗎 You're just not sure?


不貴 Inexpensive, Not expensive, Cheap


不由 Can't help

不由 Involuntarily

不由自主 Involuntarily, Can't help, Couldn't help but, Couldn't stop from

只不過她不由自主 But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it


不上 Miss a meal

不上 Can't write on it, Can't be written on

不上 Can not compare (with)

不上 Can't say

不上 Not to mention

不上 Too slow, Late, Inferior, Miss, Unable to catch up

不上 Can't keep up

不上 Cannot be closed (because door or window is broken or blocked)

不上 Can't care

聯絡不上 Can't communicate with, Can't get in contact with

不上 Can't drive up (it)

不上健身房 Not going to a gym

絕對談不上忠心耿耿 Definitely not loyal

我趕不上你的思緒 I can't follow your train of thought, I am too slow to follow your thinking

我趕不上您的思緒 I can't follow your train of thought, I am too slow to follow your thinking

不上和家人共進晚餐了 Missing dinner with the family, Late for dinner with the family

我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family


不虛 Reputation is well deserved


不止 More than, Continuously, Incessantly

不止一次 More than once, Not for the first time

救過他不止一次 Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion


不肯 Unwilling, Not willing

不肯 Unwilling to change, Stubborn

不肯配合 Unwilling to cooperate

不肯向對方道歉 Not willing to apologize to the other party

不肯說話 Wouldn't speak, Refused to talk

仍然不肯說話 Still wouldn't speak, Still refused to talk


不十 Not fully, Not completely

不十分懷疑 Not quite believing

不十分懷疑地 Not quite believingly

不十分相信 Didn't really believe it

不十分相信 But didn't really believe it


不協調 Incongruous


為什麼不直 Why not just


不真的需要 Don't really need, Didn't really need

所接觸的一切都不真 None of it was real, None of it was definite, None of it was true, None of it was definitely true


我一點兒也不老 I'm not old


不都 Not all


不喪 Not put off, Not dissuaded


不去 Didn't go (to), Can't go (to)

不去 Can't go up

不去 Can't go down

不去 Can't go out

不去 Can't go back

不去 Can't go in

不去 Can't go over, Make life difficult for

過意不去 Sorry

少跟戴目鏡的人過不去 Don't mess with someone wearing sights

不去 Hadn't done it, Had never done it

不去 Can't get back, Can't make it back, Won't make it back

我們還去不去 Are we still going or not, Are we still going

不得不去哀求 Had to beg


不幸 Unfortunate, Unlucky

不幸 Unfortunately, Lamentably

不幸的是 Unfortunately

其名不幸地叫做周 His name, lamentably, was Joe


為什麼不幫 Why not help


不走 Can't be driven, Can't drive anywhere

從來不走前門 Never used the front door


不起 Extremely ill, Die

不起 Wonderful, Fantastic

不起 Can't afford to ride (sit on) (plane, Train, Bus)

不起 Sorry, Excuse me, Do wrong by

不起 Cannot remember

不起 Despise, Look down upon

不起 Look down on, Hold in contempt, Despise

不起 Cannot allow

不起 Cannot afford to buy

不起 Humble, Meek, Indistinct

不起 Unexceptional, Unremarkable

不起 Could not lift

不起 Can't stand up, Unable to stand, Unable to stay standing

不起 Not able to fly

快站不起 Quickly unable to stay standing

重得抬不起 Too heavy too lift

沒有什麼對不起 There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it

不起眼地 Indistinctly

想表達卻想不起來的 Wanted to say but couldn't

一輛很不起眼的黑色腳踏車 An unremarkable black bicycle

不起你的事 Wronged you

以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past


不均 Unbalanced


我不得不坦 I must confess, I must say frankly


不堪 Cannot bear

疲憊不堪 Exhausted

不堪涉想 Unthinkable, Don't bear thinking about


不壞 Not bad


不喜 Don't like, Doesn't like, Didn't like

不喜 I didn't like, I don't like

不喜 Who doesn't like (to)

不喜歡我 Don't like me, Doesn't like me

不喜歡他 I don't like him

不喜歡她 I don't like her

他也不喜歡你 He doesn't like you either

你才不喜歡他 You don't like him

你才不喜歡她 You don't like her

她也不喜歡你 She doesn't like you either

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡他 Is that why you don't like him?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡她 Is that why you don't like her?

不喜歡打領帶 He doesn't like to wear a tie, He doesn't like wearing ties

不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because

不喜歡她是因為 I don't like her because

不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil


不表 Doesn't mean, Doesn't mean that, Doesn't indicate

不表 This wasn't to say that


各地不盡相同 Varied from place to place


不力 Half hearted, Perfunctory


不加 Don't add water


不大 Not much

差別不大 Not much different

差距不大 Not too different, Not too far apart

可能性不大 It's unlikely

數目雖不大 It wasn't a huge amount

動作幅度不大 The movement was small

不大 Not so good

看起來不大 Doesn't look so good

今天看起來不大 Doesn't look so good right now

不大在乎 Don't care much at all


不太 Not very

不太 Not very good

不太 May not, Less likely, Not really, Not so much

不太 Couldn't quite

不太 Not difficult, Relatively easy

不太 Not too sticky

不太 Didn't understand very much, Not exactly

不太介意 Didn't mind so much

不太微妙 None too subtly

不太擅長 Not very good at

不太清楚 Not very clear, Not sure

不太相信 Not (entirely) convinced, Not completely certain

不太舒服 Not very comfortable

不太會辨別 Had trouble distinguishing between

不太受人尊敬 Got little respect

不太介意這些噪音 Didn't mind the noise so much

不太可能 Does not seem likely

不過這該不太可能 This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely

目前看來是不太可能 Does not seem likely at present

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 Really don't like the look of this picture, Really don't like the way things are looking, Really don't like the way that this looks

我實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks


不禁 Cannot help but…


不來 Can't come up

不來 Can't come down

不來 Can't come out

不來 Not get along

不來 Can't come back

不來 Can't get up

不來 Can't come in

不來 Can't come over

遲遲不來 Still not arrived, Late in coming

找了個借口不來這裡 Found an excuse not to come


不賴 Not dependent on others

不賴 Not bad

情況看起來發展得還不賴 Things are coming along nicely, Things are looking good


不想 Do not wish to, Do not want, Not thought about, Not pondered

不想 Did not want, Does not want

不想 Was willing or not, Would mind or not

誰也不想 No one wanted, No one wanted to

一點兒也不想 I didn't want to

不想 Didn't want to come

不想 Do not want to go to, Did not want to go to

不想 Not wanting to use

不想 Do not want to be, Don't want to become

不想 Doesn't want to allow

想看不想 Whether you wanted to see or not

不想看見 Didn't want to see

不想知道 Doesn't want to know

不想這樣死 Didn't want to die like this

不想直接回答 Didn't want to answer directly

不想站在這兒 Didn't want to stand here

不想聽故事 I don't want to hear a story

不想你的家人嗎 Don't you miss your family

不想嗅到什麼 Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything

不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life

像一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell

不想往下看 He did not want to look down

不想往下看 She did not want to look down

不想看到你 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you

不想看到妳 I don't want to see you, I don't like seeing you


不朽 Immortal

一個不朽的見證 An immortal witness

像一個不朽的見證 Like an immortal witness


不相 Do not believe, Did not believe, Does not believe, Do not trust, Did not trust, Does not trust

不相 Isolated, Not connected, Disconnected

不相 Not a good match, Not suited to each other

不相 He does not believe, He did not believe

不相 She does not believe, She did not believe

不相 Strangers

終究不相 In the end were not suited to each other, It turned out that they weren't suited to each other

樣子大不相 Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot

跟他上次來的樣子大不相 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came

不相上下 Comparable

世界大不相同了 The world was very different, The world has changed, The world had changed

不相信我說的一切 He doesn't believe anything that I say


不希 Don't want, Don't wish for

不希望被注意 Didn't want to be noticed

不希望如此 She didn't want that, She didn't want that to happen

不希望你花自己的錢 Don't want you to spend your own money, Didn't want you to spend your own money


不灰 Doesn't give up


無所不有 Omnifarious, Of all forms, Of all varieties


不在 Was gone

她在不在 Is she there?

已經不在 Already gone

無所不在 Ubiquitous, Omnipresent, Everywhere

無處不在 Ubiquitous, Everywhere

不在 Doesn't care, Doesn't give a damn about it, Doesn't give a damn

不在 Was gone

不在 Not at home

不在 Didn't mind, Wasn't bothered, Untroubled

不在 Wasn't at all bothered, Was untroubled

不在 You aren't at home, You weren't at home

不在 Absent-minded, Forgetful

但他不在 But he doesn't care, But he doesn't give a damn, But he didn't care

反正不在 Wouldn't care in any case, Totally wouldn't care

完全不在 Completely don't care at all

努力心不在 Tried not to pay attention

有點心不在 A little absent-minded, Not quite present

非常努力心不在 Tried hard not to pay attention

不在那裡 Not there, It's not there

才不得不在盛怒中動用 Until being compelled to use in anger

不在大乎 Didn't much care

我也不在大乎 I didn't much care


不存在了 Is no more

可能不存 Might not exist

也可能不存 Might not exist


不犯 Not illegal, It's not breaking the law

抱著希望並不犯 It's not illegal to hope, There's no law against hoping


不折不扣 Uncompromising


不打 Had no intention of


不扣 Not pulled

不折不扣 Uncompromising


不抱 Do not complain, Does not complain, Did not complain


一毛不拔 Stingy, Wouldn't spare a dime to help somebody


不挑 Not a fussy eater, Not a picky eater


不振 Uninspired

萎靡不振 Despondent, Lethargic, Uninspired


依依不捨 Loved ones unwilling to part or let go of each other

戀戀不捨 Reluctantly

窮追不捨 Pursue relentlessly, Relentless pursuit

鍥而不捨 Persistant, Persists, Keeps trying


一絲不掛 Naked, Bare, Nude, Not wearing any clothing


不採取行動 Didn't take action, Did nothing, Didn't react


不提供任何援助 Not provide any help

不提供任何援助給 Not give any help to


不屈不撓 Unyielding, Relentless, Indomitable


不切實際 Impractical


嚇得不輕 Terrified

受的傷可不輕 Badly injured, Is badly injured, Was badly injured


不轉 Intently, Fixedly, Without moving eyes

不轉睛的看著 Watch intently, Stare fixedly at


不帶感情 Emotionless, Unfeeling, Lack emotion, Lacks emotion


能不 Have to, Cannot but


絕不 Never

絕不 Never

絕不放棄 Relentless, Relentlessness

絕不在其中 Was not one of them, Was not included

絕不說出口的 Never voiced, Never spoken aloud


無不 All


代不 Period, Era, Times

這時代不用再 It was no longer necessary


何不 Why not

何不放心 Why not have confidence

何不 Why not send, Why not give

何不放心的 Why not have the confidence to

何不繼續 Why not continue


顯得沮喪和不 Appeared depressed and unsettled


從不 Never

從不 Never let, Never allowed

從不淺於 Never shallower than

從不鎖門 Never locked the door

從不關門 Never closed the door

從不離火 Never leaving the fire, Never left the fire


得不 Have to, Had to, Must

才不得不 Was compelled


永不 Never


毫不 Absolutely

毫不 No difference

毫不掩飾 Unconcealed, Open

毫不猶豫 Without hesitation

毫不留情 Implacable, Implacably, Relentless, Unrelenting

毫不費力 Effortless, Effortlessly, Without any effort

毫不留情地 Implacably

毫不費力地 Effortlessly, Without any effort

毫不鼓舞人 Not so encouraging

毫不令人感到意外 Not surprisingly

毫不留情的思緒列車 Unrelenting train of thought, Relentless train of thought

毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing

毫不懷疑 Had no doubt

毫不懷疑 She has no doubt

毫不遲疑 No hesitation

這回毫不遲疑 No hesitation this time, No hesitation now


決不 Never, Not at all, Definitely not

決不 Certainly won't


要不 Or

要不 Shouldn't be

要不 If not

要不 Otherwise without, Which would otherwise not have

要不 Otherwise

要不 Otherwise use, Otherwise using

因為要不 Because otherwise

要不去死 Or die

閉嘴要不去死 Shut up or die

要不是因為 If not for, If not because of

要不是因為兩點 But for two things, But for two points


死不 Would rather die

死不 Cannot die, Won't cause death

死不 Let someone die, Not try to save someone from dying

死不了的 Won't cause death, Non-vital

死不分開 Would rather die than separate

死不肯承認 Would sooner die than admit


來不 Never

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