
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 人


The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles, (Cats: Latest next)

zuiˋ weiˋ renˊ jin¯ jin¯ leˋ daoˋ de˙ yiˋ changˇ zhangˋ

人 renˊ
Man, Person, People, Someone Else

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Phone , Tone


為人 weiˋ renˊ

一場 yiˋ changˇ

一場仗 yiˋ changˇ zhangˋ

Words that rhyme with 最為人津津樂道的一場仗 (wei-wei)

Grouped by first phone

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

醉鬼 zuiˋ guiˇ

Drunkard, Drunk bastard

醉鬼席 zuiˋ guiˇ xiˊ

The drunk seat

最貴 zuiˋ guiˋ

Most expensive

最貴的 zuiˋ guiˋ de˙

Most expensive

罪魁 zuiˋ kuiˊ


罪魁禍首 zuiˋ kuiˊ huoˋ shouˇ

Perpetrator, Culprit

最為人津津樂道 zuiˋ weiˋ renˊ jin¯ jin¯ leˋ daoˋ

Most talked about

最為人津津樂道的一場仗 zuiˋ weiˋ renˊ jin¯ jin¯ leˋ daoˋ de˙ yiˋ changˇ zhangˋ

The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

摧毀 cui¯ huiˇ


摧毀了 cui¯ huiˇ le˙

Destroys, Destroyed, Destroying

翠微 cuiˋ weiˊ

Blue green vapours around a mountain, Blue green mountains

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

對對都 duiˋ duiˋ dou¯

Each, Each husband and wife, Each pair, Every, All

對未來感到茫然 duiˋ weiˋ laiˊ ganˇ daoˋ mangˊ ranˊ

Feeling unsure about the future

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

會對焦最近的主體 huiˋ duiˋ jiao¯ zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˇ

Will (bring into) focus the nearest object

回歸 huiˊ gui¯

Return, Return to

回歸到 huiˊ gui¯ daoˋ

Return to

回歸正題 huiˊ gui¯ zhengˋ tiˊ

Got back to the business at hand, Returned to the business at hand

揮揮 hui¯ hui¯


揮揮雙手 hui¯ hui¯ shuang¯ shouˇ

Flapped both hands

灰灰暗暗 hui¯ hui¯ anˋ anˋ

Darker and darker

會會 huiˋ huiˋ


回饋 huiˊ kuiˋ

Give back

回味 huiˊ weiˋ


會最大 huiˋ zuiˋ daˋ

Will be greatest, Will be largest, Will be biggest

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

睽違 kuiˊ weiˊ

Violated, Lost

睽違已久又獲得的自由 kuiˊ weiˊ yiˇ jiuˇ youˋ huoˋ deˊ de˙ ziˋ youˊ

Long lost freedom

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

隨隨便便 suiˊ suiˊ bianˋ bianˋ


碎碎唸 suiˋ suiˋ nianˋ

Garrulous, Talkative, Nagging, Mocking, Verbally abusive, Prate

碎嘴子 suiˋ zuiˇ ziˇ

Chatterbox, Chatter, Talk too much, Prate

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

推回 tui¯ huiˊ

Pushed back, Pushed back to, Pushed it back

退回 tuiˋ huiˊ


zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

違規 weiˊ gui¯

Violate, Get out of line

委會 weiˇ huiˋ


未遂 weiˋ suiˋ


微微 wei¯ wei¯

Slight, Slightly

微微一縮 wei¯ wei¯ yiˋ suo¯

Flinch a little, Flinched a little, Cringed a little

薇薇安 wei¯ wei¯ an¯


危危顫顫 weiˊ weiˊ zhanˋ zhanˋ

Rickety, In danger of shaking apart

微微一笑 weiˊ weiˊ yiˊ xiaoˋ

Gave a smile, Smiled

微微上拉 weiˊ weiˊ shangˋ la¯

Pulled up just a little bit

微微笑了 weiˊ weiˊ xiaoˋ le˙


微微翻動 weiˊ weiˊ fan¯ dongˋ

Jerked around a little

zui, cui, dui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei, zhui

追回面子的 zhui¯ huiˊ mianˋ ziˇ de˙

Recover one's honor

墜毀 zhuiˋ huiˇ

Crashed into the ground and destroyed

追隨 zhui¯ suiˊ


追隨者 zhui¯ suiˊ zheˇ


追尾 zhui¯ weiˇ

Rear end

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

對對都 duiˋ duiˋ dou¯

Each, Each husband and wife, Each pair, Every, All

對未來感到茫然 duiˋ weiˋ laiˊ ganˇ daoˋ mangˊ ranˊ

Feeling unsure about the future

會對焦最近的主體 huiˋ duiˋ jiao¯ zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˇ

Will (bring into) focus the nearest object

會會 huiˋ huiˋ


會最大 huiˋ zuiˋ daˋ

Will be greatest, Will be largest, Will be biggest

碎碎唸 suiˋ suiˋ nianˋ

Garrulous, Talkative, Nagging, Mocking, Verbally abusive, Prate

未遂 weiˋ suiˋ


最貴 zuiˋ guiˋ

Most expensive

最貴的 zuiˋ guiˋ de˙

Most expensive

最為人津津樂道 zuiˋ weiˋ renˊ jin¯ jin¯ leˋ daoˋ

Most talked about

最為人津津樂道的一場仗 zuiˋ weiˋ renˊ jin¯ jin¯ leˋ daoˋ de˙ yiˋ changˇ zhangˋ

The most talked about battle, Most talked about battles

44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

揮揮 hui¯ hui¯


揮揮雙手 hui¯ hui¯ shuang¯ shouˇ

Flapped both hands

灰灰暗暗 hui¯ hui¯ anˋ anˋ

Darker and darker

微微 wei¯ wei¯

Slight, Slightly

微微一縮 wei¯ wei¯ yiˋ suo¯

Flinch a little, Flinched a little, Cringed a little

薇薇安 wei¯ wei¯ an¯


44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

推回 tui¯ huiˊ

Pushed back, Pushed back to, Pushed it back

追回面子的 zhui¯ huiˊ mianˋ ziˇ de˙

Recover one's honor

追隨 zhui¯ suiˊ


追隨者 zhui¯ suiˊ zheˇ


44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

摧毀 cui¯ huiˇ


摧毀了 cui¯ huiˇ le˙

Destroys, Destroyed, Destroying

追尾 zhui¯ weiˇ

Rear end

44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

回歸 huiˊ gui¯

Return, Return to

回歸到 huiˊ gui¯ daoˋ

Return to

回歸正題 huiˊ gui¯ zhengˋ tiˊ

Got back to the business at hand, Returned to the business at hand

違規 weiˊ gui¯

Violate, Get out of line

44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

睽違 kuiˊ weiˊ

Violated, Lost

睽違已久又獲得的自由 kuiˊ weiˊ yiˇ jiuˇ youˋ huoˋ deˊ de˙ ziˋ youˊ

Long lost freedom

隨隨便便 suiˊ suiˊ bianˋ bianˋ


危危顫顫 weiˊ weiˊ zhanˋ zhanˋ

Rickety, In danger of shaking apart

微微一笑 weiˊ weiˊ yiˊ xiaoˋ

Gave a smile, Smiled

微微上拉 weiˊ weiˊ shangˋ la¯

Pulled up just a little bit

微微笑了 weiˊ weiˊ xiaoˋ le˙


微微翻動 weiˊ weiˊ fan¯ dongˋ

Jerked around a little

44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

回饋 huiˊ kuiˋ

Give back

回味 huiˊ weiˋ


44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

委會 weiˇ huiˋ


44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

翠微 cuiˋ weiˊ

Blue green vapours around a mountain, Blue green mountains

退回 tuiˋ huiˊ


罪魁 zuiˋ kuiˊ


罪魁禍首 zuiˋ kuiˊ huoˋ shouˇ

Perpetrator, Culprit

44, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 34, 42, 43

碎嘴子 suiˋ zuiˇ ziˇ

Chatterbox, Chatter, Talk too much, Prate

墜毀 zhuiˋ huiˇ

Crashed into the ground and destroyed

醉鬼 zuiˋ guiˇ

Drunkard, Drunk bastard

醉鬼席 zuiˋ guiˇ xiˊ

The drunk seat

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