
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 壓


Perished after an unsuccessful attempt to lower the boiler's steam pressure

changˊ shiˋ jiangˋ di¯ guo¯ luˊ de˙ zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ shi¯ baiˋ houˋ shen¯ wangˊ

壓 ya¯, yaˋ
Press, Push Down, Oppress, Crush, Control, Quell, Close In, Pigeonhole, Excel, Surpass Others

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Phone , Tone


嘗試 changˊ shiˋ

降低 jiangˋ di¯

鍋爐 guo¯ luˊ

蒸汽 zheng¯ qiˋ

壓力 ya¯ liˋ

失敗 shi¯ baiˋ

身亡 shen¯ wangˊ

Words that rhyme with 嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 (ang-i)

Grouped by first phone

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

場次 changˇ ciˋ

Number of showings for a film, Screenings, Showings

長時間 changˊ shiˊ jian¯

For a long time, Prolonged period of time, Prolonged

常使用 changˊ shiˇ yongˋ

Frequently used, Often utilized

嘗試 changˊ shiˋ

Try, Attempt, Try to

嘗試逃跑 changˊ shiˋ taoˊ paoˇ

Attempts to escape

嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 changˊ shiˋ jiangˋ di¯ guo¯ luˊ de˙ zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ shi¯ baiˋ houˋ shen¯ wangˊ

Perished after an unsuccessful attempt to lower the boiler's steam pressure

嚐試 changˊ shiˋ

Attempt, Try to, Sampled

嚐試逃跑 changˊ shiˋ taoˊ paoˇ

Attempts to escape

嚐試進入 changˊ shiˋ jinˋ ruˋ

Foray, Forays

嚐試顛覆 changˊ shiˋ dian¯ fuˋ

Attempt to subvert, Try to subvert

常是 changˊ shiˋ


常識 changˊ shiˋ

Common sense

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

盎司 angˋ si¯


chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

棒子 bangˋ ziˇ


chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

檔次 dangˋ ciˋ


當日 dang¯ riˋ

That day

當時 dang¯ shiˊ

At the time, Contemporary, At that time, At this time

當時人民 dang¯ shiˊ renˊ minˊ

The people of that time

當時人民的思想與生活 dang¯ shiˊ renˊ minˊ de˙ si¯ xiangˇ yuˇ sheng¯ huoˊ

The thoughts and lives of people at that time

當時濫交的風氣 dang¯ shiˊ lanˋ jiao¯ de˙ feng¯ qiˋ

The promiscuous climate of the time

當時路口沒有什麼車輛 dang¯ shiˊ luˋ kouˇ meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ che¯ liangˋ

At the time there were no vehicles at the intersection

當事人 dang¯ shiˋ renˊ


當之無愧 dang¯ zhi¯ wuˊ kuiˋ

Well deserved

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

方式 fang¯ shiˋ

Means, Method, Manner, Mode

方式及其影響 fang¯ shiˋ jiˊ qiˊ yingˇ xiangˇ

Steps and influences, Measures and influences

方式如下 fang¯ shiˋ ruˊ xiaˋ

Method is as follows

放肆 fangˋ siˋ


防止 fangˊ zhiˇ

Prevent, Guard against, Prohibit

防止相機震動 fangˊ zhiˇ xiang¯ ji¯ zhenˋ dongˋ

Preventing camera shake

防治 fangˊ zhiˋ

Prevention and cure

紡織 fangˇ zhi¯

Textile, Textiles, Spin, Weave, Make cloth, Make fabrics

紡織品 fangˇ zhi¯ pinˇ


仿製 fangˇ zhiˋ


仿製品 fangˇ zhiˋ pinˇ

Imitation, Copy

仿製者 fangˇ zhiˋ zheˇ


放支彈簧刀 fangˋ zhi¯ danˋ huangˊ dao¯

Had a switchblade

放置 fangˋ zhiˋ

Place, Put down, To position, Position

放置了 fangˋ zhiˋ le˙

Place, Put down, Positioned

房子 fangˊ zi˙

House, Building

房子的側牆 fangˊ zi˙ de˙ ceˋ qiangˊ

Side of the house, Side of the building

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

鋼絲絨 gang¯ si¯ rongˊ

Steel wool

鋼製 gang¯ zhiˋ

Steel mirror

鋼製的鏡子 gang¯ zhiˋ de˙ jingˋ ziˇ

Steel mirror

槓子 gangˋ ziˇ

Carrying pole, Horizontal bar, Parallel bars

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

扛十包米 kangˊ shiˊ bao¯ miˇ

Carry ten bags of rice

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

旁是另一個 pangˊ shiˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙

Next to another

胖子 pangˋ zi˙

Fat person, Fatso, Fatty

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

讓自己鎮定下來 rangˋ ziˋ jiˇ zhenˋ dingˋ xiaˋ laiˊ

Calming, Steadying, Self-calming, Self-steadying

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

喪失 sangˋ shi¯

Lose, Be deprived of

喪事 sangˋ shiˋ


嗓子 sangˇ zi˙


chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

上次 shangˋ ciˋ

Last time

傷勢 shang¯ shiˋ


傷勢嚴重 shang¯ shiˋ yanˊ zhongˋ

Serious injuries, Gravely injured

商式 shang¯ shiˋ


上市 shangˋ shiˋ

Go up for sale, Available for sale (seasonal or new goods)

上司 shangˋ si¯

Boss, Bosses, Superior, Superiors

上枝 shangˋ zhi¯

Upper Branch, Superior Ramus

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

湯匙 tang¯ chiˊ

Soup spoon, Spoon, Spoons

湯汁 tang¯ zhi¯

Stock, Broth

chang, ang, bang, dang, fang, gang, kang, pang, rang, sang, shang, tang, zhang

帳子 zhangˋ ziˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

嘗試 changˊ shiˋ

Try, Attempt, Try to

嘗試逃跑 changˊ shiˋ taoˊ paoˇ

Attempts to escape

嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 changˊ shiˋ jiangˋ di¯ guo¯ luˊ de˙ zheng¯ qiˋ ya¯ liˋ shi¯ baiˋ houˋ shen¯ wangˊ

Perished after an unsuccessful attempt to lower the boiler's steam pressure

嚐試 changˊ shiˋ

Attempt, Try to, Sampled

嚐試逃跑 changˊ shiˋ taoˊ paoˇ

Attempts to escape

嚐試進入 changˊ shiˋ jinˋ ruˋ

Foray, Forays

嚐試顛覆 changˊ shiˋ dian¯ fuˋ

Attempt to subvert, Try to subvert

常是 changˊ shiˋ


常識 changˊ shiˋ

Common sense

防治 fangˊ zhiˋ

Prevention and cure

旁是另一個 pangˊ shiˋ lingˋ yiˊ ge˙

Next to another

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

當之無愧 dang¯ zhi¯ wuˊ kuiˋ

Well deserved

鋼絲絨 gang¯ si¯ rongˊ

Steel wool

湯汁 tang¯ zhi¯

Stock, Broth

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

當時 dang¯ shiˊ

At the time, Contemporary, At that time, At this time

當時人民 dang¯ shiˊ renˊ minˊ

The people of that time

當時人民的思想與生活 dang¯ shiˊ renˊ minˊ de˙ si¯ xiangˇ yuˇ sheng¯ huoˊ

The thoughts and lives of people at that time

當時濫交的風氣 dang¯ shiˊ lanˋ jiao¯ de˙ feng¯ qiˋ

The promiscuous climate of the time

當時路口沒有什麼車輛 dang¯ shiˊ luˋ kouˇ meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ che¯ liangˋ

At the time there were no vehicles at the intersection

湯匙 tang¯ chiˊ

Soup spoon, Spoon, Spoons

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

當日 dang¯ riˋ

That day

當事人 dang¯ shiˋ renˊ


方式 fang¯ shiˋ

Means, Method, Manner, Mode

方式及其影響 fang¯ shiˋ jiˊ qiˊ yingˇ xiangˇ

Steps and influences, Measures and influences

方式如下 fang¯ shiˋ ruˊ xiaˋ

Method is as follows

鋼製 gang¯ zhiˋ

Steel mirror

鋼製的鏡子 gang¯ zhiˋ de˙ jingˋ ziˇ

Steel mirror

傷勢 shang¯ shiˋ


傷勢嚴重 shang¯ shiˋ yanˊ zhongˋ

Serious injuries, Gravely injured

商式 shang¯ shiˋ


24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

長時間 changˊ shiˊ jian¯

For a long time, Prolonged period of time, Prolonged

扛十包米 kangˊ shiˊ bao¯ miˇ

Carry ten bags of rice

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

常使用 changˊ shiˇ yongˋ

Frequently used, Often utilized

防止 fangˊ zhiˇ

Prevent, Guard against, Prohibit

防止相機震動 fangˊ zhiˇ xiang¯ ji¯ zhenˋ dongˋ

Preventing camera shake

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

房子 fangˊ zi˙

House, Building

房子的側牆 fangˊ zi˙ de˙ ceˋ qiangˊ

Side of the house, Side of the building

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

紡織 fangˇ zhi¯

Textile, Textiles, Spin, Weave, Make cloth, Make fabrics

紡織品 fangˇ zhi¯ pinˇ


24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

場次 changˇ ciˋ

Number of showings for a film, Screenings, Showings

仿製 fangˇ zhiˋ


仿製品 fangˇ zhiˋ pinˇ

Imitation, Copy

仿製者 fangˇ zhiˋ zheˇ


24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

嗓子 sangˇ zi˙


24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

盎司 angˋ si¯


放支彈簧刀 fangˋ zhi¯ danˋ huangˊ dao¯

Had a switchblade

喪失 sangˋ shi¯

Lose, Be deprived of

上司 shangˋ si¯

Boss, Bosses, Superior, Superiors

上枝 shangˋ zhi¯

Upper Branch, Superior Ramus

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

棒子 bangˋ ziˇ


槓子 gangˋ ziˇ

Carrying pole, Horizontal bar, Parallel bars

帳子 zhangˋ ziˇ


24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

檔次 dangˋ ciˋ


放肆 fangˋ siˋ


放置 fangˋ zhiˋ

Place, Put down, To position, Position

放置了 fangˋ zhiˋ le˙

Place, Put down, Positioned

讓自己鎮定下來 rangˋ ziˋ jiˇ zhenˋ dingˋ xiaˋ laiˊ

Calming, Steadying, Self-calming, Self-steadying

喪事 sangˋ shiˋ


上次 shangˋ ciˋ

Last time

上市 shangˋ shiˋ

Go up for sale, Available for sale (seasonal or new goods)

24, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45

胖子 pangˋ zi˙

Fat person, Fatso, Fatty


人-⺌ : > : > [嘗]-嘗試 : > [嘗]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丶-言 : > : > [試]-嘗試 : > [試]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

冂-阝 : > : > [降]-降低 : > [降]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丿-亻 : > : > [低]-降低 : > [低]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

人-金 : > : > [鍋]-鍋爐 : > [鍋]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

人-火 : > : > [爐]-鍋爐 : > [爐]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的蒸 : > [的]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

人-艹 : > : > [蒸]-蒸汽 : > [蒸]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丶-氵 : > : > [汽]-蒸汽 : > [汽]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

厂-厂 : > : > [壓]-壓力 : > [壓]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

十-力 : > : > [力]-壓力 : > [力]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丿-⺧ : > : > [失]-失敗 : > [失]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

口-貝 : > : > [敗]-失敗 : > [敗]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丿-彳 : > : > [後]-後身 : > [後]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丶-自 : > : > [身]-身亡 : > [身]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

丶-亠 : > : > [亡]-身亡 : > [亡]-嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 >

嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 壓

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