
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


zaiˋ mouˇ xie¯ fang¯ mianˋ changˊ daˋ le˙ xuˇ duo¯

In some respects you are a lot older now

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Words and Phrases included in:

某些 Certain, Particular

mouˇ xie¯

方面 Aspect, Sphere, Field, Realm, Direction, Quarter, District, Topic, Subject, On one hand, On the other hand, In this respect, In that respect

fang¯ mianˋ

在某些方面 In some respects, In some ways, From a certain point of view

zaiˋ mouˇ xie¯ fang¯ mianˋ

長大 Grow up, Grow, Grown, Bulging

zhangˇ daˋ

大了 Grew, Became bigger

daˋ le˙

許多 Many, A lot of

xuˇ duo¯


十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-在某 : >

人-甘 : > : > [某]-某些 : >

丨-止 : > : > [些]-某些 : >

丶-亠 : > : > [方]-方面 : >

一-丆 : > : > [面]-方面 : >

厂-镸 : > : > [長]-長大 : >

十-大 : > : > [大]-長大 : >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-大了 : >

丶-言 : > : > [許]-許多 : >

丿-夕 : > : > [多]-許多 : >


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