
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ duiˋ buˋ qiˇ de˙

There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it

Click any character below for its definition.

Words and Phrases included in:

沒有 No, Do not have, Does not have, Did not have, Do not, Does not, Did not, Was not, Were not

meiˊ youˇ

什麼 What?

sheˊ me˙

沒有什麼 Nothing, There's nothing, Nothing much

meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙

不起 Extremely ill, Die

buˋ qiˇ

對不起 Sorry, Excuse me, Do wrong by

duiˋ buˋ qiˇ


丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-沒有 : >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-沒有 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [什]-什麼 : >

丶-广 : > : > [麼]-什麼 : >

人-业 : > : > [對]-對不 : >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不起 : >

十-土 : > : > [起]-不起 : >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-起的 : >


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