
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


sheˋ shen¯ chuˋ diˋ baˇ ziˋ jiˇ dang¯ chengˊ ta¯ men˙

Put yourself in their position

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Words and Phrases included in:

身處 Be in, Being in, within

shen¯ chuˋ

設身處地 Put one's self in their place, Put yourself in their shoes

sheˋ shen¯ chuˋ diˋ

自己 Self, Oneself, Own, Their, Themselves, His, Her, Himself, Herself

ziˋ jiˇ

當成 Use as, Act as, Undertake to become

dang¯ chengˊ

他們 They, Them, Their

ta¯ men˙

把自己當成他們 Be like them, Become them, Be them

baˇ ziˋ jiˇ dang¯ chengˊ ta¯ men˙


丶-言 : > : > [設]-設身 : >

丶-自 : > : > [身]-身處 : >

丨-虍 : > : > [處]-身處 : >

十-土 : > : > [地]-地把 : >

十-扌 : > : > [把]-把自 : >

丶-自 : > : > [自]-自己 : >

𠃌-己 : > : > [己]-自己 : >

人-⺌ : > : > [當]-當成 : >

丶-弋 : > : > [成]-當成 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [他]-他們 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [們]-他們 : >


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