
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


zheˋ dou¯ shiˋ niˇ dang¯ nianˊ jiaoˋ woˇ de˙

It's what you taught me back then, Like you taught me way back when, Just like you taught me

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Words and Phrases included in:

都是 Each are, Both are, Are all, Are both, Each were, Both were

dou¯ shiˋ

當年 That time, That year

dang¯ nianˊ

教我 Taught me

jiaoˋ woˇ

我的 My, Mine

woˇ de˙

教我的 Teach my

jiaoˋ woˇ de˙


丶-辶 : > : > [這]-這都 : >

十-十 : > : > [都]-都是 : >

口-日 : > : > [是]-都是 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [你]-你當 : >

人-⺌ : > : > [當]-當年 : >

丿-𠂉 : > : > [年]-當年 : >

十-十 : > : > [教]-教我 : >

丿-千 : > : > [我]-教我 : >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-我的 : >


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