yuanˊ benˇ buˊ beiˋ kanˋ haoˇ de˙
(Initially, Originally) Originally not well thought of | Initially not well thought of
原本 yuanˊ benˇ
(Cause, Initial, Initially, Origin, Original, Originally, Originate, To begin, To cause, To originate) Original, Initial, Origin, Cause, Originally, Initially, To begin with, To originate, Originate , Originates , Originating , Originated , To cause, Cause , Causes , Causing , Caused
不被看好的 buˊ beiˋ kanˋ haoˇ de˙
(Not very) Not very well thought of
看好 kanˋ haoˇ
(Optimistic) Optimistic (about)
好的 haoˇ de˙
(Good) Good
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