buˋ lanˊ deˊ jiaoˋ shouˋ xiangˋ kuˋ poˋ biaoˇ shiˋ
(Professor) Professor Brand describes to Cooper
布蘭德 buˋ lanˊ deˊ
(Brand) Brand
布蘭德教授 buˋ lanˊ deˊ jiaoˋ shouˋ
(Professor) Professor Brand
教授 jiaoˋ shouˋ
(Instruct, Professor, Teach, To instruct, To teach) Professor, To teach, To instruct, Teach , Teaches , Teaching , Taught , Instruct , Instructs , Instructing , Instructed
向 xiangˋ
Towards, Move towards, In Direction Of, With
庫珀 kuˋ poˋ
(Cooper) Cooper
表示 biaoˇ shiˋ
(Denote, Describe, Express, Indicate, Mean, Reveal, Say, Tell, To Showed, To Showing, To Shows, To denote, To describe, To express, To indicate, To mean, To reveal, To say, To show, To tell) To reveal, Reveal , Reveals , Revealing , Revealed , To show, To Show, To Shows, To Showing, To Showed, To indicate, Indicate , Indicates , Indicating , Indicated , To denote, Denote , Denotes , Denoting , Denoted , To mean, Mean , Means , Meaning , Meant , To express, Express , Expresses , Expressing , Expressed , To say, Say , Says , Saying , Said , To describe, Describe , Describes , Describing , Described , To tell, Tell , Tells , Telling , Told
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