xunˊ huanˊ yiˊ dongˋ
Cycled | Looped | Circulated
Circulate, Circulates, Circulating, Circulation, Cycle, Cycles, Cycling, Revolve, Revolved, Revolves, Revolving, To circulate, To cycle, To move, To revolve, circle of, Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjusts, Move, Moved, Moves, Moving, Shift, Shifted, Shifting, Shifts
循環 xunˊ huanˊ
Cycle | Cycles | Circulation | Circle of action | To circulate | Circulate | Circulates | Circulating | Circulated | To move in a cycle | To cycle | Cycling | Cycled | To revolve | Revolve | Revolves | Revolving | Revolved
移動 yiˊ dongˋ
Move | Moves | Moving | Moved | Adjust | Adjusts | Adjusting | Adjusted | Shift | Shifts | Shifting | Shifted
Word page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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