
xunˊ huanˊ yiˊ dongˋ

Cycled | Looped | Circulated

Circulated, Cycled, Looped

Circulate, Circulates, Circulating, Circulation, Cycle, Cycles, Cycling, Revolve, Revolved, Revolves, Revolving, To circulate, To cycle, To move, To revolve, circle of, Adjust, Adjusted, Adjusting, Adjusts, Move, Moved, Moves, Moving, Shift, Shifted, Shifting, Shifts

循環 xunˊ huanˊ

Cycle | Cycles | Circulation | Circle of action | To circulate | Circulate | Circulates | Circulating | Circulated | To move in a cycle | To cycle | Cycling | Cycled | To revolve | Revolve | Revolves | Revolving | Revolved


移動 yiˊ dongˋ

Move | Moves | Moving | Moved | Adjust | Adjusts | Adjusting | Adjusted | Shift | Shifts | Shifting | Shifted


xunˊ huanˊ 循環


yunˋ wanˋ 運腕


yunˊ duan ˉ 雲端


yunˋ suanˋ 運算


yunˋ zhuanˇ 運轉


jun ˉ guanˉ 軍官


jun ˉ tuanˊ 軍團


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