baˇ jianˋ zaoˋ yiˊ ge˙ yuanˊ xingˊ biˇ zuoˋ
(Compare, Liken) Liken building a prototype to | Compare building a prototype to
把 baˇ baˋ
Take, Handle, Hold, Grasp, Handful, Bundle, Around, About, Approximately, Sworn, Give, Guard, Watch over, Make (Not Manufacture), Regard as, Direct Object, (ba4), A handle, A grip
建造 jianˋ zaoˋ
(Build, Building, Builds, Built, Construct, Constructed, Constructing, Constructs, Raise, Raised, Raises, Raising) Build, Builds, Building, Built, Construct, Constructs, Constructing, Constructed, Raise, Raises, Raising, Raised
建造一個原型 jianˋ zaoˋ yiˊ ge˙ yuanˊ xingˊ
(Build a, Building a, Builds a, Built a, To build a) To build a prototype, Build a prototype, Builds a prototype, Building a prototype, Built a prototype
一個 yiˊ ge˙
原型 yuanˊ xingˊ
(Original, Originals, Prototype, Prototypes, Prototypical) Prototype, Prototypes, A prototype, The prototype, The prototypes, Original, Originals, An original, The original, The originals, Prototypical
比作 biˇ zuoˋ
(Compare, Compared to, Compares, Comparing, Liken, Likened, Likening, Likens, To compare, To liken) To compare to, Compare to, Compares to, Comparing to, Compared to, To liken to, Liken to, Likens to, Likening to, Likened to
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