tiˊ qianˊ jinˋ xingˊ si ˉ kaoˇ
(Think ahead, To think) To think ahead | Think ahead | Thinks ahead | Thinking ahead | Thought ahead | To think ahead of time | Think ahead of time | Thinks ahead of time | Thinking ahead of time | Thought ahead of time
提前 tiˊ qianˊ
(Ahead of, Early, In advance, Prioritize) Early, Prioritize, In advance, Ahead of time
前進 qianˊ jinˋ
(Go along, Go forwards, Head for, Head into, Proceed) Proceed, Head for, Head into, Go along, Go forwards
進行 jinˋ xingˊ
(Administer, Am doing, Are doing, Carry out, Conduct, Did, Do, Does, Is doing, Perform, To be, To become, To begin, To carry out, To commence, To conduct, To do, To get, To perform, Was doing, Were doing) To do, To perform, To conduct, To carry out, To become active, To begin, To commence, To get to work on, To be doing, Am doing, Are doing, Is doing, Was doing, Were doing, Do , Does , Did , Perform , Performs , Performing , Performed , Carry out, Carries out, Carrying out, Carried out, Conduct , Conducts , Conducting , Conducted , Administer , Administers , Administering , Administered
思考 siˉ kaoˇ
(Contemplate, Ponder, Ruminate, Think, Think of, Thought, Thoughts, To contemplate, To ponder, To ruminate, To think, To think of) Thought, Thoughts, To think, To ponder, To contemplate, To ruminate, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To think of, Think of, Thinks of, Thinking of, Thought of, Ponder , Ponders , Pondering , Pondered , Contemplate , Contemplates , Contemplating , Contemplated , Ruminate , Ruminates , Ruminating , Ruminated
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