youˇ ge˙ neiˋ jianˋ de˙ jieˇ jueˊ fang ˉ faˇ
(Had a) Had a solution built in | Had a built in solution
有個 youˇ ge˙
(Has a, Have, There is) There is, Has a, Have
內建 neiˋ jianˋ
(Built in) Built in
內建的 neiˋ jianˋ de˙
(Built in) Built in
內建的解決方法 neiˋ jianˋ de˙ jieˇ jueˊ fangˉ faˇ
(Built in) Built in solution
解決 jieˇ jueˊ
(Fix, Resolve, Settle, Solve, To dispatch, To finish, To fix, To resolve, To settle, To solve) To dispatch, To finish off (enemy troops), To solve, To resolve, To fix, To settle, Solve , Solves , Solving , Solved , Resolve , Resolves , Resolving , Resolved , Fix , Fixes , Fixing , Fixed , Settle , Settles , Settling , Settled
解決方法 jieˇ jueˊ fangˉ faˇ
(Solution, Solution method) Solution method, Solution
方法 fangˉ faˇ
(Means, Method, Methods, Protocol, Protocols, Technique, Techniques, Way, Ways) Method, Methods, A method, The method, The methods, Means, A means, The means, Protocol, Protocols, A protocol, The protocol, The protocols, Technique, Techniques, A technique, The technique, The techniques, Way, Ways, A way, The way, The ways
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