Their own, Native
caiˇ quˇ le˙ shuiˇ benˇ shen ˉ de˙ shiˋ jiaoˇ
(Take the, To take) To take the perspective of water itself, Take the perspective of water itself, Takes the perspective of water itself, Taking the perspective of water itself, Took the perspective of water itself
lianˊ ta ˉ benˇ shen ˉ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ dou ˉ wuˊ faˇ fuˋ heˊ
(Couldn't) Couldn't even lift it's own weight
Rhymes: en en
rh: benˇ shen ˉ 本身
rh: chenˊ chenˊ 沉沉
rh: chenˊ men ˉ 沈悶
rh: chenˊ menˋ 沉悶
rh: fen ˉ fenˉ 紛紛
rh: fen ˉ fenˉ 分分
rh: fen ˉ menˊ 分門
rh: fen ˉ shenˉ 分身
rh: gen ˉ benˇ 根本
rh: gen ˉ genˉ 根根
rh: gen ˉ renˊ 跟人
rh: gen ˉ shenˉ 根深
rh: henˇ henˇ 狠狠
rh: henˋ henˋ 恨恨
rh: henˇ zhen ˉ 很珍
rh: kenˇ en ˉ 肯恩
rh: men ˉ menˉ 悶悶
rh: men ˉ penˉ 悶噴
rh: menˊ zhenˇ 門診
rh: renˊ men˙ 人們
rh: renˊ renˊ 人人
rh: renˋ renˊ 任人
rh: renˊ shen ˉ 人身
rh: renˋ zhen ˉ 認真
rh: shen ˉ chenˊ 深沈
rh: shen ˉ fenˉ 身分
rh: shen ˉ fenˋ 身份
rh: shen ˉ shenˉ 深深
rh: shenˇ shenˇ 嬸嬸
rh: shenˇ shenˋ 審慎
rh: zhen ˉ enˉ 貞恩
rh: zhenˋ fenˋ 振奮
rh: zhenˋ zhenˋ 陣陣
rh: en ˉ renˊ 恩人
rh: benˇ benˇ 本本
rh: benˋ benˋ 笨笨
rh: benˇ fen ˉ 本分
本< Basic, Fundamental, Foundation, Base, Root, Origin, Source, Beginning, Starting point, Our, This, The present, According To, Book, Books, Book related
According To, Base, Basic, Beginning, Book, Books, Foundation, Fundamental, Origin, Our, Present, Root, Source, Starting point, This
身< Body, Self, In person, Torso
的< Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
Accurate, Clear, Distinct, Exact, Goal, Have, Proper, Target
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