Cooked, Well done, Deep, Coke, Charcoal, Processed, Treated, Ripe, Ripen, Experienced, Know well, Learn By Heart, Familiar with, Skilled, Dexterous, Painstaking, Deep sleep, Slumber
熟了 shuˊ le˙
(Ripe, Well done) Ripe, Well Done
Cat: Food-Related (Ripe) Next Cat: Food-Related (Well Done) Next
熟石灰 shuˊ shiˊ hui ˉ
(Calcium, Caustic, Lime, Slaked) Calcium hydroxide, Lime, Caustic lime, Slaked lime
gen ˉ ta ˉ buˊ suanˋ henˇ shuˊ
(Didn't know, Doesn't know, Had not) Didn't know him that well, Doesn't know him that well, Had not known him that well
gen ˉ ta ˉ buˊ suanˋ henˇ shuˊ
(Didn't know, Doesn't know, Had not) Didn't know her that well, Doesn't know her that well, Had not known her that well
放熟 fangˋ shuˊ
(To cook, To mature, To ripen) To cook, To mature, To ripen
全熟 quanˊ shuˊ
(Fully, Well done) Fully Cooked, Well Done
Cat: Food-Related (Fully Cooked) Next Cat: Food-Related (Well Done) Next
爛熟 lanˋ shuˊ
(Thoroughly, Well done, Well versed in) Well done, Thoroughly familiar with, Well versed in
半熟 banˋ shuˊ
(Half, Not fully) Half Cooked, Not Fully Cooked
Cat: Food-Related (Half Cooked) Next Cat: Food-Related (Not Fully Cooked) Next
Rhymes: wu wan
rh: shuˊ guanˋ 熟慣
rh: shu ˉ huanˇ 舒緩
rh: shuˋ huanˊ 束環
rh: shu ˉ luanˇ 輸卵
rh: tuˇ wanˊ 吐完
rh: zhuˇ guan ˉ 主觀
rh: zhuˇ guanˇ 主管
rh: zuˇ chuanˊ 祖傳
rh: zuˇ duanˋ 阻斷
rh: wuˇ wanˋ 五萬
rh: wuˊ guan ˉ 無關
rh: wuˇ guan ˉ 五官
rh: buˋ wanˊ 不完
rh: buˋ chuan ˉ 不穿
rh: buˊ duanˋ 不斷
rh: buˋ guan ˉ 不官
rh: buˋ guanˇ 不管
rh: buˊ suanˋ 不算
rh: buˋ zhuan ˉ 不專
rh: cu ˉ duanˇ 粗短
rh: duˊ wanˊ 讀完
rh: duˋ zhuanˋ 杜撰
rh: fuˋ kuanˇ 付款
rh: fuˇ luanˋ 撫亂
rh: guˇ guan ˉ 股關
rh: gu ˉ suanˋ 估算
rh: hu ˉ huanˋ 呼喚
rh: huˋ huanˋ 互換
rh: huˊ luanˋ 胡亂
rh: kuˋ guanˇ 褲管
rh: luˋ duanˋ 路段
熟< Cooked, Well done, Deep, Coke, Charcoal, Processed, Treated, Ripe, Ripen, Experienced, Know well, Learn By Heart, Familiar with, Skilled, Dexterous, Painstaking, Deep sleep, Slumber
Charcoal, Coke, Cooked, Deep, Deep sleep, Dexterous, Experienced, Familiar with, Know well, Learn by, Painstaking, Processed, Ripe, Ripen, Skilled, Slumber, Treated, Well done
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