zhong ˉ zhiˇ yunˋ zuoˋ
(Stop working, Stopped, Stops, To stop) Stopped work | To stop working | Stop working | Stops working | Stopped working
終止 zhongˉ zhiˇ
(Came to, Come to an, Comes to, Coming to, End, Ended, Ending, Ends, Stop, Stopped, Stopping, Stops, To come, To end, To stop) To stop, Stop, Stops, Stopping, Stopped, To end, End, Ends, Ending, Ended, To come to an end, Come to an end, Comes to an end, Coming to an end, Came to an end
運作 yunˋ zuoˋ
(Function, Functioned, Functioning, Functions, Operate, Operated, Operates, Operating, Ran, Run, Running, Runs, To function, To operate, To run, To work, Work, Worked, Working, Works) To function, Function, Functions, Functioning, Functioned, To work, Work, Works, Working, Worked, To operate, Operate, Operates, Operating, Operated, To run, Run, Runs, Running, Ran
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