組件 zuˇ jianˋ
(Building, Building Blocks, Component, Components, Module, Modules)
Component, Components, A component, The component, Module, Modules, Building block, Building blocks
zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ shiˊ jiˋ de˙
Components are real, The components are real
zuˇ jianˋ jiˊ qiˊ jian ˉ chuanˊ diˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ
Components and the signals passed between them
zuˇ jianˋ de˙ dengˇ jiaˋ wuˋ
Component equivalents, Equivalent of components
zuˇ jianˋ de˙ dengˇ tongˊ wuˋ
Component equivalents, Equivalent of components
zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ de˙ dengˇ jiaˋ wuˋ
Equivalent to the view component view
woˇ men˙ meiˊ youˇ keˇ yiˇ yongˋ laiˊ
biaoˇ shiˋ jianˇ dan ˉ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ gaiˋ
(We have)
We have no concept that we can use to denote a simple component
zheˋ shiˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ
This is the component view
naˇ zhongˇ guan ˉ dianˇ shiˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ
Which view is the component view, Which view is a component view
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ jiang ˉ yuˊ qieˊ zi ˉ
shiˋ kanˋ zuoˋ shiˋ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ dengˇ
tongˊ wuˋ
We can look at yoga poses as the equivalent of components
shiˇ yongˋ zuˇ jianˋ zuoˋ weiˊ can ˉ kaoˇ
(Use the, Used the, Uses the, Using the)
Use the components as references, Uses the components as references, Using the components as references, Used the components as references
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ hanˋ guan ˉ
xiˋ jieˋ dingˋ le˙ xiˋ tongˇ zuˇ jianˋ
gong ˉ zuoˋ de˙ bian ˉ jieˋ
The ideas and relationships within the system define the limits that the system's components work within
xueˊ xiˊ zuˇ jianˋ hanˋ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ
Learn the components and the component view
xiaˋ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ
The next component, Next component
congˊ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ
From one component, From a component
congˊ yiˊ ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ daoˋ xiaˋ yiˊ
ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ
(From one)
From one component to the next
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ si ˉ kaoˇ meiˇ ge˙
zuˇ jianˋ yuˇ zhengˇ ge˙ xiˋ tongˇ de˙
guan ˉ xiˋ
We can think of each component in relation to the system as a whole
woˇ men˙ yeˇ keˇ yiˇ kaoˇ luuˋ meiˇ
ge˙ zuˇ jianˋ yuˇ xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ qiˊ
ta ˉ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ guan ˉ xiˋ
We can also think of each component in relation to the other components within the system
我, 們, 也, 可, 以, 考, 慮, 每
個, 組, 件, 與, 系, 統, 內, 其
他, 組, 件, 的, 關, 係
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ qiˊ ta ˉ zuˇ jianˋ
Other components in the system
dengˇ tongˊ yuˊ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ jiaoˇ
Equivalent to the component view
gai ˉ zuˇ jianˋ
(Component, That component, This component)
The component, This component, That component
laiˊ weiˊ ziˋ jiˇ queˋ dingˋ zuˇ jianˋ
To determine components for ourself
lingˊ jianˋ huoˋ zuˇ jianˋ
Part or component, Parts of components
xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ tuˊ
Component view of a system
xiˋ tongˇ neiˋ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
Components within a system, Components within the system
gouˋ chengˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
Components that make up the system
yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ xiangˇ faˇ
One particular component idea
beiˋ shiˋ weiˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
shiˋ tuˊ de˙ yiˋ zhongˇ biaoˇ xianˋ
Considered as a representation of the component view of a system
yuˇ xueˊ xiˊ xiˋ tongˇ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
jiˊ qiˊ jian ˉ chuanˊ diˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ
de˙ guoˋ chengˊ fei ˉ changˊ xiang ˉ siˋ
Very similar to the process of learning the components of a system and the signals passed between them
與, 學, 習, 系, 統, 的, 組, 件
及, 其, 間, 傳, 遞, 的, 信, 號
的, 過, 程, 非, 常, 相, 似
youˊ liangˇ ge˙ huoˋ gengˋ duo ˉ de˙ zuˇ
jianˋ zuˇ chengˊ
Made up of two or more components
chuangˋ jianˋ gai ˉ bianˋ huaˋ suoˇ xu ˉ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
The required components to create that change, The components required to create that change
shiˇ yongˋ shuˋ yuˇ guan ˉ xiˋ laiˊ zhiˇ
jinˇ liangˇ ge˙ lianˊ jie ˉ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
Use the term relationship to refer to only two connected components
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ jiang ˉ fuˋ shuˋ de˙
shiˊ buˋ hanˋ xu ˉ buˋ biˇ yuˋ weiˊ
xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ shiˋ
tuˊ hanˋ xinˋ haoˋ shiˋ tuˊ
We could liken the real and imaginary parts of a complex number to the component view and the signal view of a mental model
我, 們, 可, 以, 將, 複, 數, 的
實, 部, 和, 虛, 部, 比, 喻, 為
心, 智, 模, 型, 的, 組, 件, 視
圖, 和, 信, 號, 視, 圖
zheˋ xie ˉ zuˇ jianˋ
(These building, These components, These elements)
These components, These building blocks, These elements
Rhymes: wu yan
rh: zuˇ jianˋ 組建
rh: zuˇ jianˋ 組件
rh: zuˇ xian ˉ 祖先
rh: wu ˉ yanˉ 烏煙
rh: wu ˉ yanˊ 屋簷
rh: wuˊ yan ˉ 無煙
rh: wuˊ yanˊ 無言
rh: wuˇ yanˊ 五顏
rh: wuˊ bian ˉ 無邊
rh: wu ˉ dianˇ 污點
rh: wuˇ dianˇ 五點
rh: wuˋ jianˋ 物件
rh: wuˊ mianˋ 無面
rh: wuˇ nianˊ 五年
rh: wuˋ nianˋ 勿念
rh: wuˇ qian ˉ 五千
rh: wuˇ tian ˉ 五天
rh: wuˊ xianˋ 無限
rh: wuˊ xianˋ 無線
rh: buˋ yanˊ 不嚴
rh: buˊ bianˋ 不變
rh: buˊ bianˋ 不便
rh: buˊ jianˋ 不見
rh: buˋ jian ˉ 不間
rh: buˋ jianˋ 部件
rh: buˋ mianˇ 不免
rh: buˋ mianˋ 簿面
rh: buˋ tian ˉ 不添
rh: buˋ tianˊ 不甜
rh: buˊ xianˋ 不限
rh: buˋ xianˇ 不顯
rh: buˋ xianˋ 布線
rh: chu ˉ yanˇ 出演
rh: chu ˉ dianˇ 出點
rh: chuˋ dianˋ 觸電
rh: chuˊ jian ˉ 鋤奸
rh: chu ˉ mianˋ 出面
rh: chu ˉ qianˊ 出錢
rh: chu ˉ xianˋ 出現
rh: cu ˉ qianˇ 粗淺
rh: duˊ bianˋ 讀遍
rh: fu ˉ yanˇ 敷衍
rh: fuˊ jianˋ 福建
rh: fuˋ jianˋ 附件
rh: fuˋ jianˋ 復健
rh: fuˋ mianˋ 負面
rh: fu ˉ qianˇ 膚淺
rh: fuˊ qianˊ 浮潛
rh: fuˋ qianˊ 付錢
rh: fuˊ xianˋ 浮現
rh: fuˋ xianˋ 付現
rh: fuˋ xianˋ 復現
rh: guˇ dianˇ 古典
rh: guˇ jianˋ 古劍
rh: guˇ pianˋ 穀片
rh: huˊ yanˊ 胡言
rh: huˋ lianˊ 互聯
rh: hu ˉ qianˊ 忽前
rh: huˊ xianˋ 弧線
rh: kuˇ lianˋ 苦練
rh: luˋ bian ˉ 路邊
rh: luˋ mianˊ 路綿
rh: luˋ mianˋ 路面
rh: luˋ tian ˉ 露天
rh: luˋ xianˋ 路線
rh: muˋ qianˊ 目前
rh: muˇ xianˋ 母線
rh: puˇ bianˋ 普遍
rh: pu ˉ dianˋ 鋪墊
rh: pu ˉ mianˊ 鋪棉
rh: pu ˉ mianˋ 撲面
rh: puˋ mianˋ 舖面
rh: puˋ mianˋ 鋪面
rh: pu ˉ tianˉ 鋪天
rh: puˇ xianˋ 譜線
rh: ruˋ mianˊ 入眠
rh: ruˊ qianˊ 如前
rh: shuˇ yanˇ 鼠眼
rh: shu ˉ dianˋ 書店
rh: shuˊ lianˋ 熟練
rh: shu ˉ mianˋ 書面
rh: shuˊ mianˊ 熟眠
rh: shuˋ nianˊ 數年
rh: shuˇ pianˋ 薯片
rh: shuˋ pian ˉ 數篇
rh: shu ˉ qianˉ 書籤
rh: shuˋ qian ˉ 數千
rh: shuˇ tian ˉ 暑天
rh: shuˋ xianˋ 數線
rh: suˊ yanˋ 俗諺
rh: suˋ xianˋ 速限
rh: tu ˉ dianˇ 凸點
rh: tu ˉ mianˋ 凸面
rh: tuˊ pianˋ 圖片
rh: tu ˉ xianˇ 凸顯
rh: zhuˇ yanˇ 主演
rh: zhuˇ bian ˉ 主編
rh: zhuˇ dianˋ 主電
rh: zhuˊ jianˇ 竹簡
rh: zhuˊ jianˋ 逐漸
rh: zhuˊ lianˊ 竹簾
rh: zhuˇ mianˋ 煮麵
rh: zhuˊ nianˊ 逐年
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