woˇ men˙ meiˊ youˇ keˇ yiˇ yongˋ laiˊ biaoˇ shiˋ jianˇ dan ˉ zuˇ jianˋ de˙ gaiˋ nianˋ
(We have) We have no concept that we can use to denote a simple component
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
我們沒有 woˇ men˙ meiˊ youˇ
(We did, We do) We do not have, We do not, We did not
沒有 meiˊ youˇ
(Did not, Did not have, Didn't, Do not, Do not have, Does not, Does not have, Doesn't, No, Was not, Were not) No, Doesn't, Didn't, Do not have, Does not have, Did not have, Do not, Does not, Did not, Was not, Were not
可以 keˇ yiˇ
(Am able, Are able, Being able to, Can, Can be, Capable, Is able, Permits, Permitted, Permitting, To be able, Was able, Were able) Can, Can be, Capable, To be able to, , Being able to, Am able toPermit, Are able toPermit, Is able toPermit, Was able toPermit, Were able toPermit, Permits, Permitting, Permitted
可以用來 keˇ yiˇ yongˋ laiˊ
(Can be used, Could be) Can be used to, Could be used to
用來 yongˋ laiˊ
(To use to, Use, Use to, Used to, Uses, Using to) To use to, Use to, Uses to, Using to, Used to, Use
來表示 laiˊ biaoˇ shiˋ
(To describe, To explain, To show) To describe, To explain, To show
表示 biaoˇ shiˋ
(Denote, Describe, Express, Indicate, Mean, Reveal, Say, Tell, To Showed, To Showing, To Shows, To denote, To describe, To express, To indicate, To mean, To reveal, To say, To show, To tell) To reveal, Reveal , Reveals , Revealing , Revealed , To show, To Show, To Shows, To Showing, To Showed, To indicate, Indicate , Indicates , Indicating , Indicated , To denote, Denote , Denotes , Denoting , Denoted , To mean, Mean , Means , Meaning , Meant , To express, Express , Expresses , Expressing , Expressed , To say, Say , Says , Saying , Said , To describe, Describe , Describes , Describing , Described , To tell, Tell , Tells , Telling , Told
簡單 jianˇ danˉ
(Basic, Primitive, Rudimentary, Simple) Simple, Basic, Rudimentary, Primitive
簡單組件 jianˇ danˉ zuˇ jianˋ
(Simple) Simple Component, A simple component, Simple components
組件 zuˇ jianˋ
(Building, Building Blocks, Component, Components, Module, Modules) Component, Components, A component, The component, Module, Modules, Building block, Building blocks
的 de˙ diˋ diˊ
Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
概念 gaiˋ nianˋ
(Concept, Concepts, Idea, Ideas, Notion, Notions, Paradigm, Paradigms) Idea, Concept, Paradigm, Notion, Ideas, Concepts, Paradigms, Notions
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