shiˇ yongˋ shuˋ yuˇ guan ˉ xiˋ laiˊ zhiˇ jinˇ liangˇ ge˙ lianˊ jie ˉ de˙ zuˇ jianˋ
Use the term relationship to refer to only two connected components
Employ, Employed, Employing, Employs, Resort to, Resorted, Resorting, Resorts, To employ, To resort, To use, Use, Used, Uses, Using, Term, Terminology, Terms, Connection, Connections, Relationship, Relationships, Two, Adjoin, Connect, Connection, Connections, Continuous, Link, Links, To adjoin, To connect, To link, Building, Building Blocks, Component, Components, Module, Modules
使用 shiˇ yongˋ
To use | Use | Uses | Using | Used | To employ | Employ | Employs | Employing | Employed | To resort to | Resort to | Resorts to | Resorting to | Resorted to
術語 shuˋ yuˇ
Term | Terms | Terminology
關係 guanˉ xiˋ
Relationship | Relationships | A relationship | The relationship | The relationships | Connection | Connections | A connection | The connection | The connections
兩個 liangˇ ge˙
連接 lianˊ jie ˉ
Connection | Connections | A connection | The connection | Link | Links | A link | The link | Continuous | To connect (to) | Connect/Connects/Connecting/Connected | To link | Link/Links/Linking/Linked | To adjoin | Adjoin/Adjoins/Adjoining/Adjoined
組件 zuˇ jianˋ
Component | Components | A component | The component | Module | Modules | Building block | Building blocks
Word page
init Shapes | final Shapes | phone Shapes | phone inits | phone finals | English | cats
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