自行 ziˋ xingˊ

自行 ziˋ xingˊ


Self (act)



ziˋ xingˊ jiaoˇ kuanˇ


Self pay


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ziˋ xingˊ che ˉ

(Bicycle, Bike)

Bike, Bicycle

Cat: Vehicle-Land (Bike) Next

Cat: Vehicle (Bicycle) Next


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qiˊ ziˋ xingˊ che ˉ

(Cycle, Cycled, Cycles, Cycling, Ride, Rides, Riding, Rode, To cycle, To ride a)

To ride a bike, To ride a bicycle, Ride, Rides, Riding, Rode, To cycle, Cycle, Cycles, Cycling, Cycled

Cat: Latest (To ride a bike ) Next


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qiˊ ziˋ xingˊ che ˉ huoˋ heˊ zuoˋ wuˇ daoˇ shiˊ

(While riding a)

While riding a bike or partner dancing


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qiˊ ziˋ xingˊ che ˉ huoˋ yuˇ banˋ luuˇ
gongˋ wuˇ shiˊ

(Riding a)

Riding a bike or dancing with a partner

Cat: Mental-Models (Riding a bike or dancing with a partner) Next


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liangˇ tiaoˊ ziˋ xingˊ che ˉ luˋ xianˋ

(Two bicycle, Two bike)

Two bike routes, Two bicycle routes


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jiuˋ xiangˋ woˇ men˙ qiˊ ziˋ xingˊ che ˉ
shiˊ yiˊ yangˋ

(Just like)

Just like when riding a bike


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shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ yuˇ ziˋ xingˊ
che ˉ huoˋ banˋ luuˇ yiˋ qiˇ yiˊ dongˋ

(So that we)

So that we can move together with our bike or our partner


使, , , , , , ,
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yiˇ bianˋ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ yuˇ ziˋ
xingˊ che ˉ huoˋ wuˇ banˋ yiˋ tongˊ yiˊ

(So that we)

So that we can move with our bike or dance partner


, 便, , , , , ,
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Rhymes: i ying

rh: ziˋ xingˊ 字形


rh: ziˋ xingˊ 自行

rh: ciˋ qing ˉ 刺青


rh: ciˊ xingˋ 雌性


rh: chi ˉ bingˇ 吃餅


rh: chi ˉ jingˉ 吃驚


rh: chiˊ mingˊ 馳名


rh: chiˊ pingˊ 持平


rh: chi ˉ qingˊ 痴情


rh: riˋ pingˊ 日平


rh: shiˊ ying ˉ 十英


rh: shiˋ ying ˉ 是嬰


rh: shiˋ ying ˉ 適應


rh: shiˋ bing ˉ 士兵


rh: shiˋ bingˇ 柿餅


rh: shiˋ jingˇ 市警


rh: shi ˉ lingˊ 失靈


rh: shiˋ lingˋ 是另


rh: shi ˉ mingˊ 失明


rh: shiˊ mingˊ 十名


rh: shiˇ mingˋ 使命


rh: shiˋ pingˊ 是平


rh: shiˊ qingˊ 實情


rh: shiˋ qingˊ 事情


rh: shi ˉ xingˊ 施行


rh: shiˊ xingˊ 實行


rh: si ˉ yingˊ 私營


rh: siˋ ying ˉ 肆應


rh: siˇ dingˋ 死定


rh: si ˉ lingˋ 司令


rh: siˋ lingˊ 四零


rh: siˇ mingˋ 死命


rh: siˋ pingˊ 四平


rh: siˋ xingˊ 四行


rh: zhi ˉ yingˋ 支應


rh: zhiˊ yingˊ 直營


rh: zhiˋ bingˋ 治病


rh: zhiˇ dingˋ 指定


rh: zhiˋ dingˋ 制訂


rh: zhiˋ dingˋ 制定


rh: zhi ˉ jingˇ 之井


rh: zhiˊ jingˋ 直徑


rh: zhiˋ jingˋ 致敬


rh: zhiˇ lingˋ 指令


rh: zhi ˉ mingˊ 知名


rh: zhiˋ mingˋ 致命


rh: zhiˇ pingˊ 紙屏


rh: zhi ˉ xingˊ 之行


rh: zhiˊ xingˊ 執行


rh: ziˋ dingˋ 自訂



< Self, From, Personal, Oneself, Natural, Free, Private

Free, From, Natural, Oneself, Personal, Private, Self

< Take action, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank and file of the military, Financial Market

Able, Array, Baggage, Behaviour, Business, Capable, Conduct, Current, Do, Financial, Generation, Go, Line, Path, Prevailing, Profession, Publish, Rank and file, Ready, Road, Row, Sequence, Series, Take action, Trade, Travel, Walk, Work













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All rights reserved.