死 siˇ
(Condemned, Dead, Death, Die, Died, Dies, Dull, Dying, Extremely, Fixed, Immovable, Impassable, Inflexible, Obstinate, Rigid, Stubborn, Stupid, To die, Uncrossable, Very)
Dead, Death, To die, Die, Dies, Dying, Died, Very, Extremely, Condemned, Dull, Stupid, Obstinate, Rigid, Fixed, Stubborn, Immovable, Inflexible, Impassable, Uncrossable
siˇ yuˊ jiˉ eˋ
(Die of, Died, Dies, Dying, To die of)
To die of hunger, To die of starvation, Die of hunger, Dies of hunger, Dying of hunger, Died of hunger
zhiˋ zhiˉ siˇ diˋ erˊ houˋ shengˉ
Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle
keˇ siˇ
(Die of, Died, Dies, Dying, To die of)
To die of thirst, Die of thirst, Dies of thirst, Dying of thirst, Died of thirst
taoˊ guoˋ siˇ jieˊ
(Escape, Escaped, Escapes, Escaping, To escape)
To escape death, Escape death, Escapes death, Escaping death, Escaped death
taoˊ guoˋ siˇ jieˊ de˙ guoˋ chengˊ
The process of escaping the clutches of death
dianˋ siˇ
(Electrocution, To electrocute)
Electrocution, To electrocute
zhiˋ xiˉ erˊ siˇ
(Suffocate, Suffocated, Suffocates, Suffocating, To suffocate)
To suffocate and die, Suffocate and die, Suffocates and dies, Suffocating and dying, Suffocated and died
buˋ xiangˇ zheiˋ yangˋ siˇ
Didn't want to die like this
qiˇ siˇ huiˊ shengˉ
(Brought back, Came back, Come Back To)
Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
qiˇ siˇ huiˊ shengˉ le˙
(Brought back, Came back, Come Back To)
Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
rangˋ zheˋ ge˙ dongˉ xiˉ qiˇ siˇ huiˊ shengˉ
Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing
sheˇ siˇ wangˋ shengˉ
Disregard one's own safety, Fully devoted, Dedicated
Rhymes: i ying
rh: siˇ mingˋ 死命
rh: siˋ pingˊ 四平
rh: siˋ xingˊ 四行
rh: zhi ˉ yingˋ 支應
rh: zhiˊ yingˊ 直營
rh: zhiˋ bingˋ 治病
rh: zhiˇ dingˋ 指定
rh: zhiˋ dingˋ 制訂
rh: zhiˋ dingˋ 制定
rh: zhi ˉ jingˇ 之井
rh: zhiˊ jingˋ 直徑
rh: zhiˋ jingˋ 致敬
rh: zhiˇ lingˋ 指令
rh: zhi ˉ mingˊ 知名
rh: zhiˋ mingˋ 致命
rh: zhiˇ pingˊ 紙屏
rh: zhi ˉ xingˊ 之行
rh: zhiˊ xingˊ 執行
rh: ziˋ dingˋ 自訂
rh: ziˋ mingˊ 自明
rh: ziˋ xingˊ 字形
rh: ziˋ xingˊ 自行
rh: ciˋ qing ˉ 刺青
rh: ciˊ xingˋ 雌性
rh: chi ˉ bingˇ 吃餅
rh: chi ˉ jingˉ 吃驚
rh: chiˊ mingˊ 馳名
rh: chiˊ pingˊ 持平
rh: chi ˉ qingˊ 痴情
rh: riˋ pingˊ 日平
rh: shiˊ ying ˉ 十英
rh: shiˋ ying ˉ 是嬰
rh: shiˋ ying ˉ 適應
rh: shiˋ bing ˉ 士兵
rh: shiˋ bingˇ 柿餅
rh: shiˋ jingˇ 市警
rh: shi ˉ lingˊ 失靈
rh: shiˋ lingˋ 是另
rh: shi ˉ mingˊ 失明
rh: shiˊ mingˊ 十名
rh: shiˇ mingˋ 使命
rh: shiˋ pingˊ 是平
rh: shiˊ qingˊ 實情
rh: shiˋ qingˊ 事情
rh: shi ˉ xingˊ 施行
rh: shiˊ xingˊ 實行
rh: si ˉ yingˊ 私營
rh: siˋ ying ˉ 肆應
rh: siˇ dingˋ 死定
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