
yuˋ daoˋ le˙ shenˊ me˙ yangˋ de˙ maˊ fanˊ

Is in what kind of trouble?

Is in

Bump Into, Encounter, Meet, Meeting, Meets, Met, Arrive at, Get to, Got to, Had arrived, Reach, Reached, What, Annoyed, Bother, Hassle, Hassles, Make trouble, Problem, Problems

遇到 yuˋ daoˋ

Meet | Meets | Meeting | Met | Bump into | Encounter


到了 daoˋ le˙

Reach | Reached | Arrive at | Had arrived at | Had arrived | Get to | Got to


什麼 shenˊ me˙

What | What?


麻煩 maˊ fanˊ

Annoyed | Make trouble | Bother | Hassle | Hassles | Problem | Problems


yuˊ dao ˉ 魚刀


yuˇ daoˇ 與島


yuˋ daoˋ 遇到


yuˋ gaoˋ 預告


yuˇ maoˊ 羽毛


yuˋ paoˊ 浴袍


yuˋ zhaoˋ 預兆


juˇ baoˋ 舉報


juˋ baoˋ 據報


ju ˉ gaoˉ 居高


juˋ haoˋ 句號


luuˇ bao ˉ 鋁包


luuˋ caoˇ 綠草


quˊ daoˋ 渠道


quˋ daoˋ 去到


qu ˉ naoˊ 曲撓


quˋ zhaoˇ 去找


xuˋ dao˙ 絮叨


xuˋ haoˋ 序號


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