
真實 zhen ˉ shiˊ

Genuine, Real, True

Words with shared element: 真實


zhen ˉ, shiˊ

Genuine | Real | True




zhen ˉ shiˊ cunˊ zaiˋ

Real | Truly existed


真實 | 存在


zhen ˉ shiˊ sheng ˉ huoˊ

Real life


真實 | 生活


zhen ˉ shiˊ kong ˉ jian ˉ

Real space


真實 | 空間


zhen ˉ shiˊ sheng ˉ huoˊ zhong ˉ

In real life | Real life


真實 | 生活 |


zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ

A real thing | Real thing | Real things | Something real


真實 | 東西 |


zhen ˉ shiˊ hanˋ xu ˉ niˇ kong ˉ jian ˉ

Real and imaginary space


真實 | 虛擬 | 空間 |


zhen ˉ shiˊ kong ˉ jian ˉ xiang ˉ dang ˉ yuˊ shen ˉ chuˋ heˊ zhong ˉ

Real space is equivalent to being in the river


真實 | 空間 | 相當 | 身處 | 河中 |


buˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ



真實 |


suoˇ jie ˉ chuˋ de˙ yiˊ qieˋ dou ˉ buˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ

None of it was real | None of it was definite | None of it was true | None of it was definitely true


接觸 | 一切 | 不真實 | 真實 | | |


yiˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ

Something real | A real thing | A thing that is real


一些 | 真實 | 東西 |


naˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ

Those things that are real


那些 | 真實 | 東西 |


can ˉ kaoˇ naˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ

To refer to real things (To refer to those things that are real) | Refer to real things | Refers to real things | Referring to real things | Referred to real things


參考 | 那些 | 真實 | 東西 |


youˇ le˙ yiˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ

Have something real | Has something real | Having something real | Had something real


有了 | 一些 | 真實 | 東西 |


keˇ yiˇ yongˋ laiˊ can ˉ kaoˇ naˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ

Can be used to refer to real things


可以 | 用來 | 參考 | 那些 | 真實 | 東西 |


jinˇ guanˇ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ queˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ cunˊ zaiˋ

Despite not being visible was still real | Invisible but real


儘管 | 看不見 | 不見 | 真實 | 存在 |


xiangˇ faˇ keˇ yiˇ shiˋ xiangˇ xiangˋ de˙ huoˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙

An idea can be imaginary or real | The idea can be imaginary or real | Ideas can be imaginary or real | The ideas can be imaginary or real


想法 | 可以 | 想像 | 真實 | | | |


woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ shuo ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ kong ˉ jian ˉ shiˋ woˇ men˙ chuˋ yuˊ liuˊ dongˋ xin ˉ taiˋ shiˊ zhanˋ juˋ de˙ kong ˉ jian ˉ

We could say that real space is the space we occupy when in the fluid mind-state


我們 | 可以 | 真實 | 空間 | 是我 | 處於 | 流動 | 心態 | 佔據 | | |


woˇ men˙ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ bo ˉ langˋ shangˋ suiˊ ta ˉ chuan ˉ yueˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ

We are on a particular wave of time as it travels through the real


我們 | 在一個特定的時間波浪上 | 一個 | 特定 | 時間 | 波浪 | 穿越 | 真實 | |


ta ˉ shiˋ dang ˉ woˇ men˙ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ bo ˉ langˋ shangˋ suiˊ ta ˉ chuan ˉ yueˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ shiˊ

It is when we are on a particular wave of time as it carries us through the real


我們 | 在一個特定的時間波浪上 | 一個 | 特定 | 時間 | 波浪 | 穿越 | 真實 | | | | |


zenˇ me˙ zhen ˉ shiˊ

Not so genuine


怎麼 | 真實


buˋ zenˇ me˙ zhen ˉ shiˊ

Not really genuine


不怎麼 | 怎麼 | 真實

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