真實 zhen ˉ shiˊ
Genuine, Real, True
Words with shared element: 真實
zhen ˉ shiˊ kong ˉ jian ˉ xiang ˉ dang ˉ yuˊ shen ˉ chuˋ heˊ zhong ˉ
Real space is equivalent to being in the river
suoˇ jie ˉ chuˋ de˙ yiˊ qieˋ dou ˉ buˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ
None of it was real | None of it was definite | None of it was true | None of it was definitely true
yiˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ
Something real | A real thing | A thing that is real
can ˉ kaoˇ naˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ
To refer to real things (To refer to those things that are real) | Refer to real things | Refers to real things | Referring to real things | Referred to real things
youˇ le˙ yiˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ
Have something real | Has something real | Having something real | Had something real
keˇ yiˇ yongˋ laiˊ can ˉ kaoˇ naˋ xie ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ
Can be used to refer to real things
jinˇ guanˇ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ queˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ cunˊ zaiˋ
Despite not being visible was still real | Invisible but real
xiangˇ faˇ keˇ yiˇ shiˋ xiangˇ xiangˋ de˙ huoˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ de˙
An idea can be imaginary or real | The idea can be imaginary or real | Ideas can be imaginary or real | The ideas can be imaginary or real
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ shuo ˉ zhen ˉ shiˊ kong ˉ jian ˉ shiˋ woˇ men˙ chuˋ yuˊ liuˊ dongˋ xin ˉ taiˋ shiˊ zhanˋ juˋ de˙ kong ˉ jian ˉ
We could say that real space is the space we occupy when in the fluid mind-state
woˇ men˙ zaiˋ yiˊ ge˙ teˋ dingˋ de˙ shiˊ jian ˉ bo ˉ langˋ shangˋ suiˊ ta ˉ chuan ˉ yueˋ zhen ˉ shiˊ
We are on a particular wave of time as it travels through the real
真是, 真肋, 真能消除他們的皺紋, 真皮, 真名, 真傳統, 真偽, 真像, 真假, 真愛, 真高興見到兩位, 真讓人期待呀, 真誠, 真實, 真空, 真的, 真沒想到, 真漂亮, 真過癮, 真情, 真懶, 真心, 真糟糕, 真美, 真不是, 真不好, 真巧, 真正, 真理, 真要命, 真有趣, 真槍實彈, 真相, 真摯, 是真的, 是真錢之所在, 果真, 裝真彈, 那真令人寬心, 今天的運氣真好, 傳真, 像真人, 貨真價實, 你真小, 千真萬確, 起得真早, 這尤其為真, 尤真, 率真, 方真, 認真, 是認真的, 把製造商的保證看得很認真, 美夢成真, 夢想成真, 就像是美夢成真一樣, 清真寺, 這真是, 逼真, 還真, 話還真多, 半真半假, 當真, 薇真, 不真實, 天真, 才真, 模樣真, 那招真帥, 圖拉真柱實:
實踐, 實用, 實體, 實際, 實習, 實質, 實驗, 實物, 實例, 實像, 實行, 實施, 實部, 實意, 實話, 實證, 實況, 實測, 實情, 實現, 實在, 實力, 實地, 實事求是, 實惠, 屬實, 踏實, 腳踏實地, 果實, 壯實, 如實, 結實, 紀實, 務實, 厚實, 堅實, 貨真價實, 充實, 說實話, 誠實, 證實, 寫實, 體察實情, 被實現, 落實, 著實, 某實驗的步驟, 其實, 現實, 確實, 這確實, 忠實, 老實, 真實, 不真實, 真槍實彈, 橡實, 核實, 樸實, 扎實, 事實, 我所看到的事實, 切實Frag (shared element) page
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