死 siˇ

Dead, Death, To die, Die, Dies, Dying, Died, Very, Extremely, Condemned, Dull, Stupid, Obstinate, Rigid, Fixed, Stubborn, Immovable, Inflexible, Impassable, Uncrossable

si ˉ shiˋ 私事


siˇ shi ˉ 死屍


siˇ shiˋ 死是


siˋ shiˊ 四十


siˋ shiˋ 似是


si ˉ siˉ 嘶嘶


siˋ siˋ 四四


si ˉ zhiˋ 絲質


siˋ zhi ˉ 四肢


si ˉ ziˋ 私自


zhiˋ ciˊ 致辭


zhiˋ ciˇ 至此


zhi ˉ chiˊ 支持


zhiˊ chiˇ 直尺


zhiˇ chi ˉ 只吃


zhi ˉ riˋ 之日


zhi ˉ shiˊ 知識


zhi ˉ shiˊ 之時


zhi ˉ shiˋ 芝士


zhi ˉ shiˋ 支室


zhiˊ shiˋ 直式


zhiˊ shiˋ 直視


zhiˇ shiˇ 指使


zhiˇ shiˋ 只是


zhiˇ shiˋ 指示


zhiˋ shiˇ 致使


zhi ˉ zhiˉ 隻隻


zhi ˉ zhiˉ 支支


zhi ˉ zhiˉ 枝枝


zhiˊ zhiˊ 直直


zhiˊ zhiˋ 職志


zhiˊ zhiˋ 直至


zhiˇ zhi ˉ 只知


zhiˇ zhiˇ 指指


zhiˇ zhiˋ 紙質


zhiˋ zhi ˉ 置之


zhiˋ zhiˇ 制止


zhi ˉ ziˇ 梔子


zhi ˉ ziˋ 隻字


zhi ˉ ziˋ 之字


ziˋ ciˊ 字詞


zi ˉ shiˋ 姿勢


zi ˉ shiˋ 滋事


ziˋ shiˊ 自食


ziˋ shiˇ 自始


ziˋ shiˋ 自視


ziˋ shiˋ 自事


ziˋ si ˉ 自私


ziˋ zhiˋ 自制


ziˋ zhiˋ 自製


ziˋ zhiˋ 自治


zi ˉ ziˉ 吱吱


ciˇ ciˋ 此次


ciˋ riˋ 次日


ciˇ shiˊ 此時


ciˇ shiˋ 此事


ciˊ zhiˊ 辭職


ciˊ zhiˋ 瓷製


ciˇ zhiˋ 此致


chi ˉ chiˉ 痴痴


chiˊ chiˊ 遲遲


chi ˉ zhiˉ 嗤之


chiˊ zhi ˉ 持之


chiˊ zhiˋ 遲滯


chiˊ ziˇ 池子


chiˇ zi˙ 尺子


chiˋ ziˋ 赤字


riˋ riˋ 日日


riˋ shiˋ 日式


riˋ zhiˋ 日誌


riˋ zhiˋ 日治


riˋ ziˇ 日子


shiˊ ciˋ 十次


shiˊ riˋ 時日


shiˋ riˋ 噬日


shi ˉ shiˉ 濕濕


shi ˉ shiˋ 失事


shiˊ shi ˉ 實施


shiˊ shi ˉ 食屍


shiˊ shiˊ 時時


shiˊ shiˋ 時事


shiˊ shiˋ 實事


shiˇ shiˋ 使事


shiˋ shi ˉ 士師


shiˋ shiˊ 是時


shiˋ shiˊ 適時


shiˋ shiˊ 事實


shiˋ shiˇ 是使


shiˋ shiˋ 試試


shiˋ shiˋ 式式


shiˋ shiˋ 逝世


shiˋ shiˋ 事事


shiˋ shiˋ 世事


shiˊ siˋ 十四


shiˋ siˇ 誓死


shiˋ siˋ 市肆


shi ˉ zhiˊ 師直


shiˊ zhiˊ 實質


shiˊ zhiˇ 食指


shiˊ zhiˇ 十指


shiˇ zhi ˉ 使之


shiˋ zhi ˉ 是蜘


shiˋ zhiˋ 是志


shi ˉ ziˉ 師資


shi ˉ zi˙ 獅子


shiˊ ziˇ 石子


shiˊ ziˋ 識字


shiˊ ziˋ 十字


shiˋ ziˇ 式子


shiˋ ziˇ 柿子


i i

死屍 siˇ shi ˉ

Corpse, Corpses, Dead body, Dead bodies

, , 死屍-rhymes

死路 siˇ luˋ

Dead end

, , 死路-rhymes

死因 siˇ yin ˉ

Cause of death

, , 死因-rhymes

死是活 siˇ shiˋ huoˊ

Dead or alive

, , , 死是活-rhymes


siˇ chanˊ buˋ xiu ˉ

Incessant, Not resting

, , , , 死纏不休-rhymes

死角 siˇ jiaoˇ

Blindspot, Blindspots

, , 死角-rhymes


siˇ qiˋ chenˊ chenˊ


, , , , 死氣沉沉-rhymes

死得 siˇ deˊ

Been dead

, , 死得-rhymes


siˇ yuˊ ji ˉ eˋ

To die of hunger, To die of starvation, Die of hunger, Dies of hunger, Dying of hunger, Died of hunger


, , , , 死於飢餓-rhymes

死寂 siˇ jiˊ

Deathly still, Deathly stilness

, , 死寂-rhymes

死白 siˇ baiˊ

Deathly pale

, , 死白-rhymes

死神 siˇ shenˊ

The spirit of death, Death

, , 死神-rhymes


siˇ mingˋ pai ˉ daˇ

Beat, Slap


, , , , 死命拍打-rhymes

死鬥 siˇ douˋ

Fight to the death

, , 死鬥-rhymes

死老鼠 siˇ laoˇ shuˇ

Dead mouse, Dead mice


, , , 死老鼠-rhymes


xiaˋ siˇ woˇ le˙

Scared me to death, I was scared to death

, , ,


renˊ jiuˋ suanˋ shiˋ siˇ

Even dead people


, , , ,


yiˇ siˇ yao ˉ xieˊ

The threat of death, Threatened with death


, , ,

即將死 jiˊ jiang ˉ siˇ

Dying, About to die


, ,


beiˋ gong ˉ niuˊ chuo ˉ siˇ

Gored to death by a bull


, , , ,

已死 yiˇ siˇ

Was dead, Was already dead



chuiˊ siˇ zheng ˉ za ˉ

Sucker punch, Desparate attack


, , ,

等死 dengˇ siˇ

Eventually die


紅之死 hongˊ zhi ˉ siˇ

The red death

, ,


zhiˋ zhi ˉ siˇ diˋ erˊ houˋ sheng ˉ

Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle

, , , , , ,


yuˋ zhiˋ ta ˉ yuˊ siˇ diˋ

Intent on his death

, , , , ,


buˊ rangˋ ta ˉ siˇ

Keep it alive


, , ,

渴死 keˇ siˇ

To die of thirst, Die of thirst, Dies of thirst, Dying of thirst, Died of thirst



taoˊ guoˋ siˇ jieˊ

To escape death, Escape death, Escapes death, Escaping death, Escaped death


, , ,


taoˊ guoˋ siˇ jieˊ de˙ guoˋ chengˊ

The process of escaping the clutches of death


, , , , , ,

去送死 quˋ songˋ siˇ

Go to die, Go to one's death

, ,

恨死 henˋ siˇ

Detest, Hate, Dislike, Loathe


人死 renˊ siˇ

Death, Dead


勒死 lei ˉ siˇ

Strangle, Throttle


電死 dianˋ siˇ

Electrocution, To electrocute



woˇ de˙ beiˋ tongˋ de˙ yaoˋ siˇ

My back is killing me


, , , , , ,


zhiˋ xi ˉ erˊ siˇ

To suffocate and die, Suffocate and die, Suffocates and dies, Suffocating and dying, Suffocated and died


, , ,

殊死 shu ˉ siˇ

Desperate, Life or death


處死 chuˋ siˇ

On pain of death, Punish with death



buˋ xiangˇ zheiˋ yangˋ siˇ

Didn't want to die like this


, , , ,


qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng ˉ

Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life

, , ,


qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng ˉ le˙

Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life


, , , ,


rangˋ zheˋ ge˙ dong ˉ xi ˉ qiˇ siˇ huiˊ sheng ˉ

Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing


, , , , 西, , , ,

誓死 shiˋ siˇ

Swear, Sworn to



sheˇ siˇ wangˋ sheng ˉ

Disregard one's own safety, Fully devoted, Dedicated

, , ,

掐死 qia ˉ siˇ

Choke to death, Strangle



huˊ siˇ tuˋ bei ˉ

When the fox dies the hare grieves

, , ,

< Dead, Death, To die, Die, Dies, Dying, Died, Very, Extremely, Condemned, Dull, Stupid, Obstinate, Rigid, Fixed, Stubborn, Immovable, Inflexible, Impassable, Uncrossable

Condemned, Dead, Death, Die, Died, Dies, Dull, Dying, Extremely, Fixed, Immovable, Impassable, Inflexible, Obstinate, Rigid, Stubborn, Stupid, To die, Uncrossable, Very

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All rights reserved.