Tall, High, Elevated, Noble, Renown, Golf, Go
gao ˉ louˊ 高樓
gao ˉ shouˇ 高手
gaoˇ touˊ 搞頭
haoˇ shouˇ 好手
haoˇ shouˋ 好受
haoˇ zouˇ 好走
kaoˇ rouˋ 烤肉
laoˇ gouˇ 老狗
laoˇ louˊ 老樓
laoˇ shouˇ 老手
laoˇ touˊ 老頭
maoˊ shouˇ 毛手
mao ˉ touˊ 貓頭
maoˊ touˊ 矛頭
naoˇ houˋ 腦後
paoˋ kouˇ 炮口
paoˋ shouˇ 炮手
saoˇ louˊ 掃樓
saoˋ zhouˇ 掃帚
shao ˉ houˋ 稍候
shao ˉ houˋ 稍後
taoˋ kouˇ 套口
taoˊ zouˇ 逃走
zao ˉ shouˋ 遭受
zao ˉ touˋ 糟透
zhao ˉ shouˉ 招收
zhao ˉ shouˇ 招手
zhaoˋ touˊ 兆頭
ao ˉ touˋ 凹透
aoˊ touˊ 熬頭
aoˋ zhou ˉ 澳洲
baoˋ chouˊ 報仇
baoˋ chouˊ 報酬
baoˇ shouˇ 保守
baoˇ shouˋ 飽受
chaoˊ houˋ 朝後
daoˇ chou ˉ 倒抽
daoˇ gou ˉ 倒鉤
daoˋ louˊ 到樓
daoˋ shouˇ 到手
ao ou高品質親子時間時
gao ˉ pinˇ zhiˋ qin ˉ ziˇ shiˊ jian ˉ shiˊ
Quality parent child time, Quality time
gao ˉ shiˋ foˊ sheˋ
Gaoshifo tribe, Botans, One of eighteen Hengchun peninsula tribes
高, 士, 佛, 社, 高士佛社-rhymes
shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ de˙ ziˋ xieˇ chu ˉ
Written out in ten meter tall letters
shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ de˙ ziˋ xieˇ chu ˉ de˙ biao ˉ yuˇ
A slogan written out in ten meter tall letters
youˋ gao ˉ youˋ zhuangˋ
Tall and toned, To be tall and toned, Am tall and toned, Are tall and toned, Is tall and toned, Was tall and toned, Were tall and toned
yiˊ zuoˋ youˋ gao ˉ youˋ anˋ de˙ chengˊ baoˇ
A tall dark castle
youˇ xie ˉ buˋ fenˋ gao ˉ chu ˉ qiˊ ta ˉ buˋ fenˋ
Some parts higher than other parts
neiˋ ge˙ taˇ henˇ gao ˉ
That tower is tall, That tower was tall, That tower was high
jia ˉ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao ˉ daˊ liangˇ wanˋ yi ˉ qian ˉ li ˉ
Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles
liangˇ zhanˇ juˊ seˋ de˙ gao ˉ qiangˊ duˋ an ˉ quanˊ deng ˉ
Two orange high-intensity safety lights
yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ gao ˉ
Taller and taller, Higher and higher, Getting taller, Getting higher
xiang ˉ dang ˉ gao ˉ de˙ chengˊ duˋ
Quite a high level, Quite a high degree
zaiˋ biˇ luˋ mianˋ gao ˉ de˙ diˋ fang ˉ
At a place high above street level, High above street level
buˋ biˇ haiˇ pingˊ mianˋ gao ˉ duo ˉ shaoˇ
Not much higher than sea level
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