高跟鞋 gao ˉ gen ˉ xieˊ
High heel shoe, High heels
高, 跟, 鞋, 高跟鞋-rhymes
高明 gao ˉ mingˊ
Superior, Better, Clever, Smart, Qualified, Expert, Master
高, 明, 高明-rhymes
高牆 gao ˉ qiangˊ
Wall, High wall, Tall wall
高, 牆, 高牆-rhymes
高傲 gao ˉ aoˋ
Proud, Haughty, Overbearing, Snobbish
高, 傲, 高傲-rhymes
高等 gao ˉ dengˇ
Advanced, Of a higher level
高, 等, 高等-rhymes
高亢 gao ˉ kangˋ
High pitched, Sonorous, Resounding
高, 亢, 高亢-rhymes
高官 gao ˉ guan ˉ
Senior officer, Official
高, 官, 高官-rhymes
高領上 gao ˉ lingˇ shangˋ
Turtle neck, High collar
高, 領, 上, 高領上-rhymes
高二 gao ˉ erˋ
Sophomore year of high school, Second year high school
高, 二, 高二-rhymes
高考 gao ˉ kaoˇ
University entrance exam, College entrance exam
高, 考, 高考-rhymes
gao ˉ shiˋ foˊ sheˋ
Gaoshifo tribe, Botans, One of eighteen Hengchun peninsula tribes
高, 士, 佛, 社, 高士佛社-rhymes
liuˋ chiˇ san ˉ cunˋ gao ˉ
6 foot 3 inches tall, Six foot and three inches tall
六, 呎, 三, 吋, 高
八呎高 ba ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ
Eight feet high
八, 呎, 高
八尺高 ba ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ
Eight feet tall
八, 尺, 高
yiˋ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ
One meter high, A meter high
一, 公, 尺, 高
san ˉ ying ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ
Three feet high, Three foot high
三, 英, 尺, 高
shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ
Ten meter tall, Ten meters tall
十, 公, 尺, 高
shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ de˙ ziˋ
Ten meter tall letters
十, 公, 尺, 高, 的, 字
shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ de˙ ziˋ xieˇ chu ˉ
Written out in ten meter tall letters
十, 公, 尺, 高, 的, 字, 寫, 出
shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ de˙ ziˋ xieˇ chu ˉ de˙ biao ˉ yuˇ
A slogan written out in ten meter tall letters
十, 公, 尺, 高, 的, 字, 寫, 出, 的, 標, 語
shiˊ ying ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ de˙ ti ˉ ziˇ
Ten foot ladder
十, 英, 尺, 高, 的, 梯, 子
erˋ shiˊ gong ˉ chiˇ gao ˉ
Twenty meter tall, Twenty meters tall
二, 十, 公, 尺, 高
ju ˉ gao ˉ linˊ xiaˋ
Overlook, Take the high ground, Attack from above
居, 高, 臨, 下
跳高 tiaoˋ gao ˉ
High jump
跳, 高
齊腰高 qiˊ yao ˉ gao ˉ
Waist high
齊, 腰, 高
體高 tiˇ gao ˉ
Height of a person
體, 高
fen ˉ chu ˉ gao ˉ xiaˋ
Highest scoring
分, 出, 高, 下
youˋ gao ˉ youˋ zhuangˋ
Tall and toned, To be tall and toned, Am tall and toned, Are tall and toned, Is tall and toned, Was tall and toned, Were tall and toned
又, 高, 又, 壯
youˋ gao ˉ youˋ baiˊ de˙ lingˇ zi˙
High white collar
又, 高, 又, 白, 的, 領, 子
yiˊ zuoˋ youˋ gao ˉ youˋ anˋ de˙ chengˊ baoˇ
A tall dark castle
一, 座, 又, 高, 又, 暗, 的, 城, 堡
ta ˉ geˋ ziˇ gao ˉ
He is tall, He was tall
他, 個, 子, 高
xingˋ gao ˉ caiˇ lieˋ
Gleeful, Happy, Elated
興, 高, 采, 烈
kuan ˉ yuˇ gao ˉ dou ˉ
Width and height are both
寬, 與, 高, 都
hu ˉ gao ˉ hu ˉ di ˉ
Ups and downs
忽, 高, 忽, 低
youˇ xie ˉ buˋ fenˋ gao ˉ chu ˉ qiˊ ta ˉ buˋ fenˋ
Some parts higher than other parts
有, 些, 部, 份, 高, 出, 其, 他, 部, 份
升高 sheng ˉ gao ˉ
Raise, Increase
升, 高
daoˋ le˙ henˇ gao ˉ de˙ shuiˇ pingˊ
Reached a very high level
到, 了, 很, 高, 的, 水, 平
neiˋ ge˙ taˇ henˇ gao ˉ
That tower is tall, That tower was tall, That tower was high
那, 個, 塔, 很, 高
changˊ duˋ gao ˉ daˊ
Length of up to
長, 度, 高, 達
jia ˉ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao ˉ daˊ
Added up to a length of
加, 起, 來, 長, 度, 高, 達
jia ˉ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao ˉ daˊ liangˇ wanˋ yi ˉ qian ˉ li ˉ
Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles
加, 起, 來, 長, 度, 高, 達, 兩, 萬, 一, 千, 哩
woˇ zheˋ me˙ gao ˉ
I'm tall
我, 這, 麼, 高
liangˇ zhanˇ juˊ seˋ de˙ gao ˉ qiangˊ duˋ an ˉ quanˊ deng ˉ
Two orange high-intensity safety lights
兩, 盞, 橘, 色, 的, 高, 強, 度, 安, 全, 燈
shuiˇ zhangˇ chuanˊ gao ˉ
A rising tide lifts all boats
水, 漲, 船, 高
利潤高 liˋ runˋ gao ˉ
Rich, Profitable
利, 潤, 高
yuˋ laiˊ yuˋ gao ˉ
Taller and taller, Higher and higher, Getting taller, Getting higher
愈, 來, 愈, 高
chengˊ benˇ xiaoˋ yiˋ gao ˉ
成, 本, 效, 益, 高
xiang ˉ dang ˉ gao ˉ de˙ chengˊ duˋ
Quite a high level, Quite a high degree
相, 當, 高, 的, 程, 度
youˊ di ˉ erˊ gao ˉ
From low to high
由, 低, 而, 高
zaiˋ biˇ luˋ mianˋ gao ˉ de˙ diˋ fang ˉ
At a place high above street level, High above street level
在, 比, 路, 面, 高, 的, 地, 方
buˋ biˇ haiˇ pingˊ mianˋ gao ˉ duo ˉ shaoˇ
Not much higher than sea level
不, 比, 海, 平, 面, 高, 多, 少
youˊ gao ˉ erˊ di ˉ
From high to low
由, 高, 而, 低
一樣高 yiˊ yangˋ gao ˉ
As tall as, Same height as
一, 樣, 高
san ˉ cengˊ louˊ gao ˉ
Three stories high
三, 層, 樓, 高
siˋ cengˊ louˊ gao ˉ
Four stories tall
四, 層, 樓, 高
墊高 dianˋ gao ˉ
Elevate by use of a prop
墊, 高
yiˋ zhiˇ gao ˉ de˙ jiuˇ
A finger of alchohol
一, 指, 高, 的, 酒
較高 jiaoˋ gao ˉ
Comparatively higher
較, 高