口角 kouˇ jiaoˇ

口角 kouˇ jiaoˇ

(Oral, corners)

Oral commissure, Corners of the lips

Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Oral commissure) Next

Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Oral commissure) Next



kouˇ jiaoˇ gua ˉ zhouˊ

(Convergence, Oral)

Oral commissural modiolus, Convergence point of multiple facial muscles at the corner of the lips

Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Oral commissural modiolus) Next

Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Oral commissural modiolus) Next


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jiangˋ kouˇ jiaoˇ ji ˉ


Depressor anguli oris

Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Depressor anguli oris) Next

Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Depressor anguli oris) Next


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tiˊ kouˇ jiaoˇ ji ˉ


Levator anguli oris

Cat: Latest (Anatomy-muscle: Levator anguli oris) Next

Cat: Anatomy-Muscle (Levator anguli oris) Next


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Rhymes: ou yao

rh: kouˇ jiaoˇ 口角

rh: louˋ diaoˋ 漏掉


rh: rouˋ piaoˋ 肉票


rh: shouˇ yaoˋ 首要


rh: shouˇ biaoˇ 手錶


rh: shouˇ biaoˇ 手表


rh: shouˇ jiaoˇ 手腳


rh: shouˋ jiaoˋ 受教


rh: shouˋ piaoˋ 售票


rh: shouˋ xiao ˉ 瘦削


rh: shouˋ xiaoˇ 瘦小


rh: touˊ piaoˋ 投票


rh: touˊ tiaoˊ 頭條


rh: tou ˉ xiaoˋ 偷笑


rh: zouˇ diaoˋ 走掉


rh: zouˋ xiaoˋ 奏效


rh: chouˋ xiaoˇ 臭小


rh: couˋ qiaoˇ 湊巧


rh: douˇ diaoˋ 抖掉


rh: douˋ miaoˊ 豆苗


rh: douˇ qiaoˋ 陡峭


rh: douˋ xiaoˋ 逗笑


rh: gou ˉ diaoˋ 勾掉


rh: gouˋ piaoˋ 購票


rh: gou ˉ xiaoˉ 勾消


rh: houˋ jiaoˇ 後腳



< Mouth, Opening, Entrance, Gate

Entrance, Gate, Mouth, Opening

< Corner, Point, Angle, Character, Compete, Wrestle, Horn Shaped Instrument, Note, (Jue2), Actor, Role, Player, Retired

Actor, Angle, Character, Compete, Corner, Horn, Note, Player, Point, Retired, Role, Wrestle







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