運行 yunˋ xingˊ

Operational, To function, To work, To run, To stir, To function, Function, Functions, Functioning, Functioned, To work, Work, Works, Working, Worked, To run, Run, Runs, Running, Ran, To stir, Stir, Stirs, Stirring, Stirred

運行著 yunˋ xingˊ zhe˙

(Functioning, Running, Working) Functioning, Working, Running


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zhengˋ changˊ yunˋ xingˊ zhe˙

(Functioning, Running, Working) Functioning normally, Working normally, Running normally


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rengˊ jiuˋ zhengˋ changˊ yunˋ xingˊ zhe˙

(Still functioning, Still running, Still working) Still functioning normally, Still working normally, Still running normally


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運行 shiˋ yunˋ xingˊ

(Trial run) Trial run


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jianˋ liˋ bingˋ yunˋ xingˊ

(Build and, Set up) Build and run, Set up and run


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gai ˉ wenˊ zhiˇ zaiˋ bang ˉ zhuˋ duˊ zheˇ jianˋ liˋ bingˋ yunˋ xingˊ

(Article) The article aimed to help the reader set up and run


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Rhymes: yun ying

rh: yunˋ xingˊ 運行

rh: jun ˉ yingˊ 軍營


rh: junˋ jingˇ 郡警


rh: jun ˉ qingˊ 軍情


rh: qunˊ ying ˉ 群英


rh: xunˊ jingˇ 巡警


rh: yunˋ yingˊ 運營


Function, Functioned, Functioning, Functions, Operational, Ran, Run, Running, Runs, Stir, Stirred, Stirring, Stirs, To function, To run, To stir, To work, Work, Worked, Working, Works

< Move, Use, Transport, Apply, Fortune, Luck, Fate

Apply, Fate, Fortune, Luck, Move, Transport, Use

< Take action, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank and file of the military, Financial Market

Able, Array, Baggage, Behaviour, Business, Capable, Conduct, Current, Do, Financial, Generation, Go, Line, Path, Prevailing, Profession, Publish, Rank and file, Ready, Road, Row, Sequence, Series, Take action, Trade, Travel, Walk, Work








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