
buˊ yongˋ dongˋ yiˋ gen ˉ hanˋ maoˊ

Without moving a single hair | Without doing anything | Without having to actually do anything | Not having to do anything | No need to do anything

No need to, Not having, Without doing, Without having to, Without moving

Am not, Are not, Did not need, Do not need, Does not need, Is not, Not be, Was not, Were not, A, Body, Hair

不用 buˊ yongˋ

To not be necessary | Am/Are/Is/Was/Were not necessary (to) | Do/Does/Did not need (to)


一根 yiˋ genˉ

A (e.g. a finger)


汗毛 hanˋ maoˊ

Hair | Body hair


buˊ yongˋ 不用


cuˋ yongˇ 簇擁


fuˊ yongˋ 服用


guˋ yong ˉ 僱傭


guˋ yongˋ 雇用


guˋ yongˋ 僱用


luˋ yongˋ 錄用


pu ˉ yongˉ 僕傭


wuˊ yongˋ 無用


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