他曾 taˉ cengˊ
(He had) He had
他曾自以為 taˉ cengˊ ziˋ yiˇ weiˊ
(He once, He used) He once thought that he, He used to think that he, He once believed he
以為 yiˇ weiˊ
(Am under, Are under, Assume, Believe, Is under, Presume, Think, To assume, To be, To believe, To presume, To think, Under the, Was under) Under the impression that, To believe, To assume, To presume, To think, Believe , Believes , Believing , Believed , Assume , Assumes , Assuming , Assumed , Presume , Presumes , Presuming , Presumed , Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To be under the impression, Am under the impression, Are under the impression, Is under the impression, Was under the impression
為了 weiˋ le˙
(Because, For, For the sake, So that…) Because, For, For the sake of, So that…
了解 liaoˇ jieˇ
(Consider, Know, To consider, To know, To understand, Understand) To understand, To know, To consider, Understand , Understands , Understanding , Understood , Consider , Considers , Considering , Considered , Know , Knows , Knowing , Knew
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