
chuanˊ songˋ huiˊ laiˊ de˙ zi ˉ liaoˋ xianˇ shiˋ

Returned data transmissions indicate (that)


Convey, Deliver, Send, Return to, Take Back, Back, Come back, Return, Have, Data, Information, Appear, Appeared, Appearing, Appears, Display, Displayed, Displaying, Displays, Reveal, Revealed, Revealing, Reveals, Show, Showed, Showing, Shows, To appear, To display, To reveal, To show

傳送 chuanˊ songˋ

Send | Deliver | Convey


送回 songˋ huiˊ

Take back | Return to


回來 huiˊ laiˊ

Return | Come back | Back


來的 laiˊ de˙



資料 zi ˉ liaoˋ

Data | Information


顯示 xianˇ shiˋ

To show | Show | Shows | Showing | Showed | To reveal | Reveal | Reveals | Revealing | Revealed | To display | Display | Displays | Displaying | Displayed | To appear | Appear | Appears | Appearing | Appeared


chuanˊ songˋ 傳送


chuanˊ tongˇ 傳統


guanˋ tong ˉ 貫通


guan ˉ zhongˋ 觀眾


huanˇ chong ˉ 緩衝


huanˊ gong ˉ 桓公


huan ˉ songˋ 歡送


huanˋ zhongˇ 換種


kuan ˉ hongˊ 寬宏


kuan ˉ rongˊ 寬容


kuan ˉ songˉ 寬鬆


nuanˇ hong ˉ 暖烘


suan ˉ tongˋ 痠痛


suan ˉ tongˋ 酸痛


zhuanˇ dongˋ 轉動


zuan ˉ kongˋ 鑽空


wanˊ gong ˉ 完工


wanˊ nongˋ 玩弄


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