tongˊ shiˊ chuangˋ zaoˋ suoˇ xu ˉ huoˋ zhiˇ dingˋ de˙ bianˋ huaˋ
At the same time creating the desired or specified change | While at the same time creating the desired or designated change
While, Create the, Created, Creates, Creating, To create, Needs, Requirements, Appoint, Appointed, Appointing, Appoints, Assign, Assigned, Assigning, Assigns, Designate, Designated, Designates, Designating, Specified, Specifies, Specify, Specifying, To appoint, To assign, To designate, To specify, Change, Changes, Conjugate, Conjugates
同時 | 創造所需或指定的變化 | 所需 | 指定 | 變化
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