通過 tongˉ guoˋ
(By means of, Confirm, Experience, Experienced, Experiences, Experiencing, Pass, Take, Through, To confirm, To experience, To pass, To take, To undergo, Undegoes, Undergo, Undergoing, Underwent, Via) By means of, Through, Via, To experience, Experience, Experiences, Experiencing, Experienced, To undergo, Undergo, Undegoes, Undergoing, Underwent, To take, Take , Takes , Taking , Took , To confirm an appointment, Confirm an appointment, Confirms an appointment, Confirming an appointment, Confirmed an appointment, To pass, Pass , Passes , Passing , Passed
學習 xueˊ xiˊ
(Learn, Study, To learn, To study) To study, Study , Studies , Studying , Studied , To learn, Learn , Learns , Learning , Learned
如何 ruˊ heˊ
(How, How to, What if) What if, How, How to
如何學習 ruˊ heˊ xueˊ xiˊ
(How to learn) How to learn, How to learn it
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